Yes, I Am Drunk

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Before heading back to the hotel after the intense hunt, Dean wanted to go to a bar. Which was idea on my part.

Okay, yes, I've had plenty of alcohol before... Just, not so much at one time. And here's how it went down:

"Hope... Slow down." Sam acknowledged my (I don't know how many I had by then but, I knew it was a lot) empty shot glass.

"Shhhhhhh..." I put my finger up to his lips to shush him. I remember specifically thinking, he has soft lips. "I have to pee." I announced.

"Then go." Dean told me, giving me a little nudge with his bony elbow.

"It's too far." I groaned, waving my hand in the direction of the restrooms.

"Shall I carry you?" Dean joked, taking a swig of his drink.

"You shall." I smirked at him, holding my arms out.

I think I went to the bathroom after that... Was Dean carrying me, or not? I don't remember. Anyways, I found myself playing darts with another drunk guy I had met that day just minutes later.

"Did I win?" He asked me, slurring his words.

"You didn't even hit the board." I told him, crossing my arms.

He nodded, looking at the dartboard in deep thought. "Right..."


I turned around and saw Sam walking out of the bathroom. "Oh, hey, buddy!" I meant to wave, but threw a dart in his direction on accident.

His eyes bugged out before ducking down. The dart hit the wood behind him,  just where his head would have been, and it was now stuck on the wall.

Sam got back up, looked at the dart stuck in the wall, and then glared back at me. "Are you trying to kill me?"

"Physically?" I asked. "No."

"Mentally?" The drunk guy beside me asked.

"What? No... Go away." I put my hand on his cheek and gently pushed him away. He did as told and walked back to an empty table.

"Hope, it's time to go." Dean told me, appearing from behind me, grabbing my arm rather tight.

"I don't wanna go." I complained, trying to get my arm free of his hold.

"Too bad." He answered, pulling me along towards the exits.

"No!" And I just dropped to the floor, my arm still in his grip.

"Get up, Hope! We're leaving!" Dean tried to pull me up, but I didn't budge.

"No!" I pouted, trying to pull him back towards me.

"You know, this is all your fault." Sam told his brother, obviously angry and annoyed.

"Fine. It's my fault. Happy? Now, help me, would ya?" Dean gestured towards me still sitting on the floor of the bar.

"Sam Winchester, if you help this man, I'll be very mad at you." I told him, pointing my finger at him.

"Whatever you say, Hope." Sam told me, picking me up his arms and throwing me over his shoulder.

I suddenly became overly tired just lying over Sam's shoulder, trying to keep my eyes open. "I have a joke!" I said, looking at Dean, who was walking behind Sam. "Why did the angel walk up the staircase?"

But he didn't acknowledge my joke. "I have a joke." Dean told me as we stopped in front of his car and Sam put me down. I was back on my feet, but I had to hold onto his shoulder for balance. "An angel walked into a bar-"

"Shhhhh!!" I shushed him, putting my finger to my lips. "You're gonna wake up the sheep."

"What?" Sam asked, I think he was laughing, I couldn't really tell.

"Shh..." I told him, beginning to fall over.

The next thing I knew, I was lying in a bed and Sam was trying to tuck me in. "No. I'm not tired." I pushed the blanket off of me.

"Go to sleep, Hope." Sam argued, putting the blanket back over me.

"But what about the sheep?!" I complained, my voice cracking.

"The sheep will be here when you wake up." He told me, smiling.

"Nooooo... They need my help." I argued, trying to get the point across.

"Go to sleep." He said again, patting my thigh.

"I'm not tired." I said once more, crossing my arms.

He huffed in announce, not knowing what else to do. "Do you want me to lay down with you?"

I then stood on my knees, so I could reach his face with my hands. I put both my hands on his cheeks and got really close to his face with mine.

"Sammy... Would you lay down with me?" I ask, repeating his words.

He took my hands off his face and got under the covers next to me, wrapping his arms around my waist. "Sam-"


And that's the last thing I remember...

~Next Morning~

"Hope." Sam was saying, gently tapping my face.

"Mmm?" I mumbled, eyes closed.

"Are you okay?"

I took a deep breath, opening my eyes. I was in a deep sleep, until Sam woke me up. Then I realized I was lying on the cold, white tiled, bathroom floor, with no remembrance whatsoever of how I got here. 

I slowly sat up, with Sam's help. My head was spinning and I felt sick to my stomach. "I... What happened...?"

"Do you remember anything that happened last night?" Sam asked, carefully helping me to my feet.

"Alcohol?" I recalled, looking up at him.

"Yes. And lots of it." He confirmed as I held on tight to his shoulder so I wouldn't fall over.

I squinted my eyes at him, a wave of pain rushing through my head. "I also remember something about... sheep?"

"Yeah..." Sam chuckled softly, nodding. "It's a long story..."

I took a deep breath, looking him in the eye. "I'm sorry..."

He stared at me, waiting for me to elaborate. "Sorry for what? Getting drunk?"

"Yeah... I was so stupid... It's just all this angel shit. I'm so done with it."

He shook his head, holding my hands in his. "You don't need to apologize. I get it. I understand. And if you ever need to talk, I'm here."

I smile up at him, getting that tingly feeling inside again. "Thank you."

He nodded, smiling. "No problem... besides, Dean gets drunk five days out of the week."

I laugh, my face beat red. Sam smirks down at me as he slowly moves his face closer to mine. And when our lips are just gazing each other, I feel a strong urge to puke again.

"Going back." And I ran to the toilet.

Sam held my hair away from my face, and I can't be anymore grateful. "Welcome to hangovers."


Ayyeee, I keep forgetting to update sorry guys. School just started and I'm already super stressed. Ugh kmn. Anyways, I hope you dudes have a great night, morning, evening, whenever you're reading this. Just think happy Sammy thoughts😊

Thank you, much love as always,


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