The FBI Are Sitting In My Office

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underline: angel radio

I've seen these 'suicides' scenes before. But they're obviously not suicides, they're murders.

The man killed was just a visitor in the building. But visiting what? He had a single stab wound in his chest and they won't let me see the weapon.

I don't have a computer, so I drove off to the library. Again, I wish I had my grace and this would go a lot faster. Plus I was the only one there.

The place was dark and kinda creepy, but I pushed past that and I grabbed all the books about ghosts, angels, demons, shifters, anything!

Again, I'm supposed to be hiding but just this one case won't hurt. I huddled around a desk with books piled around me and a computer in front of me.

The man's name was Henry Lake. Dropped everything and left his family just like that, about two years ago.

The man that died before him was Kevin Bin. Also left his family with no warning. Again a stab wound to the chest. Okay, now I'm starting to think it's the angles.

Were they after me? If so, who was killing them to save me? Have they found me?

I then decided to tune into angel radio to see what all the fuss was about.

Another one of our brothers died.

Maybe finding Hope is a bad thing.

No. We need to keep looking. We need to find God.

We just need to find whatever is protecting her so we could kill it to get to her.

Great. So what now? Run away? Again?

"Excuse me?" An unfamiliar voice sounded. I jumped a little from the sudden noise in the silent library and looked up.

The same man I saw from earlier today, that was really tall and really good looking was standing before me. He was in normal everyday clothes instead of his black suit. Unlike me who was still in my white and black formal dress from work earlier today.

Was he following me or something?

"Are you using that computer? It's the only one working in the library and you're just staring off into space." The man laughed jokingly, though he was right.

I smiled, grabbed the books I was using, and stood up. "Oh, no. Sorry. I was just leaving." I smiled back at him.

His dark hazel eyes looked back into my green ones. "I'm Sam." He held his hand out for me to shake.

Okay, this man isn't any angel or demon... I hope.

"Hope." I said accepting the handshake.

He stared into my eyes and I stared into his. It was like time had stopped and the world around me was fading. I shook my head, trying to snap back into reality.

"Uh- sorry." Do humans usually get this feeling? "I should go."

He shook his head too, snapping back into it, just as I had. "Uh- yeah, sorry." He smiled, exposing his perfect, straight, white teeth.

I smiled at him one last time before stepping around him, and I could feel his eyes burning into the back of my head as I quickly left the library.


Three days, and I still haven't found out who is killing these angels to protect me. And here I am standing in front of another crime scene, notebook tucked in my arms.

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