Can't Sleep And Monsters

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"Sam!" I screamed as I woke up.

I sat up, forehead dripping of sweat, but I was freezing at the same time. My pillow was damp too. It took me a minute to cope with myself that it was all a dream. Just a dream.

I jumped when my door swung open, but it was only Sam. Still, my heart was beating fast.

It's only my fourth night in the bunker. So far all we've done was eat a bunch of crap food, watch tv, and play board/card games.

I never had a dream or nightmare before. I didn't get it until now. How real they feel.

"What's wrong?!" He asked running to my side.

"What?" I couldn't wrap my head around reality.

"You screamed my name. Are you okay?"

"What...? Um, no..." I told him, staring around the room.

"Why? What's wrong?" I could see the concern in his eyes but only slightly, because the only light in the room was coming from the hallway, through my open door.

"I died."

"What? No you didn't. You're okay. You're right here. Did you have some sort of nightmare?"

"Yeah. That." Was all I could spit out. I stared into space, terrified.

"Hope." Sam shook my shoulder, trying to get me to pay attention.

"Hm?" I turned my head to look at him, my eyes wide with fear.

"Are you okay?"

"Yeah..." I looked away again, scanning the dark room.

"No you're not... Is there anything I can do for you?"

"I don't know..." I whispered, looking into his eyes. "I'm scared."

"Do you want to talk about it?"

I shake my head. "Not even a little bit."

Sam sighs, sitting at the edge of my bed carefully. "Will you be able to go back to bed?"

"No... Can I... can I sleep with you?" I asked, my voice cracking.

He nodded, trying to hide his smile, but I was too tramitized to awknoedge it. "Sure."

I quickly grabbed my pillow and followed Sam to his room across the hall. I was hugging my pillow, tiptoeing. My hair was braided down my back, so when it hit my back as I walked, I jumped.

"You okay?" Sam asked, a small smirk on his face.

"Just... Hurry." Once we were in his room I quickly shut the door behind me and took a deep breath. "Okay... What side do you like?"

"I'll take right."

"Then I'm left." And I threw my pillow on the left side of the bed.

I jumped onto his bed and he followed. Sam turned off the lamp and I wrapped myself up in his blanket. "Better?"

"Much." I replied, looking at him even though I couldn't see him in the darkness.

I laid right up against Sam for warmth and he wrapped his arm around me. I didn't fall asleep for a while so I focused on Sam's breathing and I could tell the exact time he drifted off to sleep.

Human feelings are weird, yet amazing. And I love this moment.


"We've got a case in Mississippi." Dean informed us. We were all sitting at the long table in the first room in the bunker.

"What is it?" I asked, looking up from my book.

"I'm thinking Wendigo." Dean replied, hitting a few buttons on his laptop.

"So... Let's check it out." I say, slamming my book shut.

"Are you sure you're ready?" Sam asked me, raising his eyebrows.

"Me? After I became human, all I did was hunt." I informed him.

"But I thought you were supposed to be hiding." Sam mentioned, a small smile on his lips.

"I know. I was. Just not in the smartest of ways...?" Yeah, it sounded stupid, but I was stupid... and somehow made it out alive.

"Good enough for me." Dean shrugged. And we packed the duffle bag and headed off.

~Time skip to middle of the hunt~

"What?!" I yelled as I was running backwards.

"Catch!" Sam threw the blowtorch. I caught it with both hands, falling over onto my back.

The huge monster stood over me. Yelling. Screeching. "Now!" Dean yelled from behind me.

I pointed the blowtorch at the Wendigo and pulled down the lever. The fire came instantly, once I was sure the deadly creature was burning, I closed my eyes. It winced until it became nothing but ashes. The whole time I could hear Adele's song Set Fire to the Rain in my head.

When I opened my eyes, Sam and Dean ran over where I had just burned that MOTHER F*CKER TO DEATH! (Wow. That was really out there. I apologize.)

Sam extended his hand out to me, I grabbed it, and he helped me up. "Nice job." Dean nodded, patting my back.

"Yeah. Thanks for the warning." I said sarcastically. Just before this, we had split up. I went one way, Sam went a different way and Dean went another.

I had never hunted one of these things before and there was a lot the Winchester's didn't tell me about them. So, when I saw it, I shot it. And it just got it even more mad than it already was.  So it started chasing me. I ran. Both Sam and Dean showed up, throwing me the blowtorch, and that's how we got here.

"Yeah... Sorry about that." Sam said, awkwardly scratching the back of his head.

"You're bleeding, by the way." Dean told me, pointing to my forehead.

That would explain the headache. I felt my forehead where I found a huge cut across the right side. "Wonderful." I muttered.

Sam put his hand on my shoulder, examining my cut. "Come on. Let's get out of here."


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