Where Did Dean Go?

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(Hope POV)

"HOPE!" I hear Sam scream my name. I slam down my coffee cup and quickly stand up.

I run towards the door of the kitchen, nearly tripping over my own long ass sweatpants that cover my feet. "WHAT?"

I'm not paying attention, because you know, I'm a clumsy bitch, and Sam's not paying attention because he's obviously concerned about something important, so we run right into each other.

Of course, me being the small and clumsy dork, I spring off of the Sam's chest like a bouncy ball and fall to my butt.

"Oh my god." Sam kneels down besides me and grabs my hand. "I'm so sorry, I wasn't paying attention, are you okay?"

I pull my hand away, staring him in the face. "Sam, I'm fine, what's wrong?"

He hesitates, taking a deep breath as if he's scared to commit to himself whatever he's got to say. "It's Dean." He begins. "He's missing."


Sam can't find his phone, the Impala is gone, my phone was destroyed in the hunt the other day, and we have no way of contacting Dean.

He obviously took the Impala, but where? He's been gone for probably about four hours now, maybe longer. Why wouldn't he tell us where he was going? Maybe something got to him...

But I can't think like that because Sam is thinking like that, and I have to keep him sane. Sam's freaking out and I'm trying to calm him down as he paces back and forth.

"Sam, just calm down and take a deep breath." I urge.

"Hope, why would he just leave and not tell us? He's so stupid sometimes... But maybe he's in trouble... Hope-"

"He has his phone, right?" I cut him off, trying to think of every possible solution for our situation. "Can't we track his phone?"

Sam grins at me, as if all worry was brushed off of him just by my simple sentence. "Hope, my little genius." And he wraps his arm around me in a big hug.

I step away after the hug, shrugging. "If I was such a genius, I would have thought of it an hour ago."

But he doesn't acknowledge it because he's too overly excited for some reason. "Oh, Hope, I could kiss you!"

I feel butterflies instantly burst in my stomach, my heart beating a million miles an hour.

I don't know what we are, Sam and I. Really close friends? Kind of dating, kind of not? We've never really talked about it... it's never really come up in conversation.

"Do it." I mumble, the most expressionless look on my face.

Sam's smile dropped as he raised his eyebrows, mildly confused. "...What?" I don't think he heard me.

"What? Nothing. I didn't say anything, you said something!" I point at him accusingly.

He stares at me for about a minute too long, obviously still confused. "I was-"

"Let's find, Dean!" I cut him off, my face tomato red. "I'll get my laptop." And I run from the room.


"So... where are we going?"

"A family friend's house."

"And... what are you doing?"

"Getting us an uber."

"What the hell is an uper?"

Sam grins, rolling his eyes, shutting his laptop. We were standing on the side of the street crib in the freezing cold.

"An uber." He corrects me. "A car is going to come pick us up."

"And take us to a 'family friend's house?'" I question, my hands shoved in my pockets.

"Yes. My uncle Bobby. That's where the tracker says Dean is." Sam explains, staring down at me. "If he's there, he's probably fine."

"Right..." My teeth chatter and I'm shaking, looking out into the road, watching for the stupid uber thingy.

"Cold?" Sam asks, as if it isn't obvious.

"You're not?" I raise my eyebrows at him, putting my hood over my head.

Sam smirks. "Heat just radiates off me." He winks.

And I can't help but burst into laughter at how much of a dork he is.

"What?" He asks, holding his arms out, trying to play dumb. "It's true."

"Sure, Sam." I nod along, laughing in between words. I turn my head, looking down the fogged up road.

Just then I feel two arms wrap around my body from behind and suddenly everything's warm and soft. I look back to see the one and only, Sam Winchester, staring down at me with those big puppy dog eyes, smirking wildly.


"I'm warm, I know." He closes his eyes and rests his chin on the top of my head.

"Sure, Sam." I sigh, grinning. "Big and warm, like the sun."

Then it was his turn to burst out laughing.

And that's when our uber arrived and I finally figured out what it actually was.

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