Guys, Don't Worry. I Found Dean

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(Yes, I know Bobby wasn't alive when Sam and Dean had the bunker. ITS FANFICTION GO WITH IT:))

When we pull up to this old looking house with jacked up cars stacked on top of each other, the first thing I focus my eyes on is the huge sign that reads Singer Auto, self serve salvage yard.

I look over at Sam, raising my eyebrows. "Where the hell are we?" I whisper so our driver doesn't hear. "Singer Auto?"

"Bobby Singer." He says, as if it clarifies everything.

"Right..." I look out the window again, scanning the landscape.

"Alright." The driver stops the car and looks back at us. He's got no hair whatsoever, and the skinniest mustache I've ever seen resting just above his lip. "This is the right place?"

"Yeah." Sam nods, grabbing his backpack from under the seat.

"You sure?" He driver asks, almost stunned.

"Yeah." Sam awkwardly smiles and hands him some cash. "Thanks."

"Anytime." The man chuckles lightly, which kinda creeps me the f*ck out, so I quickly open the car door and get the hell out.

Sam follows quickly behind me and slams the car door behind him. We watch the uber drive away before I follow Sam to the front door of the house. "Someone... lives here?"

Sam chuckles slightly, looking back at me. "He's not one for decoration." He jokes.

He then turns back and knocks on the door. We don't wait that long, and as soon as the door swings open, I already know the face. Dean Winchester.

He looked at us and smiled. "Hey!"

He didn't seem to be hurt or injured in any way. He looked completely fine. "Hey??? Seriously???"

Dean raised his eyebrows at me, totally confused. "What?"

Sam was getting angry too. He told me he knew Dean was safe here, he just was angry Dean didn't tell Sam where he was going. Once he saw his brother was officially okay, he was upset with him, just as I am. "No note, no phone calls, no nothing. Seriously dude?!"

"I left you phone calls!" Dean argued. "But... then I realized you left your phone in the impala."

Sam rolls his eyes, frustrated as all hell. "Why didn't you tell us where you were going??"

"Bobby just needed some help with some things, nothing big. I figured I'd let you two rest and just give you a call later on. But, once I was half way here, I realized I had your phone..."

"DEAN!" Sam complained.

"Are you two gonna keep playing 'who did what' or are you gonna get your asses in here?!" An older man came to the door. He had a short beard and wore a blue truckers hat.

"Hey, Bobby." Sam gave the old man, Bobby, a soft smile.

"Hey, kid." Both Dean and Bobby backed up as Sam and I walked into the house, shutting the door behind me. The inside of the house is what you'd expect it to be, judging by the outside. Stuff everywhere, empty and full bottles whisky on counters. It was your regular American Hunter headquarters.

"Who's this?" Bobby asks, acknowledging towards me.

"That's Hope." Dean says to him. "The one I've been talking about."

Oh god, what did he say about me??

"Right..." Bobby nods, looking in my direction. "If I would have known I was having a visitor, I would have cleaned up a little more."

I open my mouth to tell him it's fine, but Dean cuts me off. "I wouldn't exactly call her a 'visitor.'"

Bobby slowly glares at him. "Boy, do you have any manners?" Bobby turned to him and flicked him in the head.

"Ow!" Dean whines. "I was just-"

"Do you want anything? I've got beer... frozen pizza?" Bobby asks, glancing in the direction of the kitchen.

"No, I'm fine. Thank you, though." I give him a warm smile.

"I wish you were this nice to me." Dean comments, taking a swig of his beer.

"What is up with you?" Sam asks, crossing his arms. "Why are you pissed? You're the one who left without saying anything."

"Why am I pissed? Why are you pissed? You're the one who forgot your phone in the car." Dean argued.

"Alright, that's enough!" Bobby stops them from further argument. "Dean, what you did was just out right stupid."


"And Sam, lay off, you know how your brother gets."


"Now kiss and make up." He rolled his eyes before exiting the room to the kitchen.

There was an awkward moment of silence. I stood there with my hands in my pockets and a smile on my face. "I like him."


Once we were all sitting around in Bobby's study, talking like a couple of old friends over beer, Sam raises the question I've had in my mind since we got here. "So, why did you come here without telling us, Dean?"

Dean stares at him for a second before responding. "Bobby needed some help."


"Rufus. Got arrested again. He needed help finishing up a case, and now I've got to go bail him out of Jail." Bobby explained the rest.

When no one said anything, I took his as an opportunity. "Who...?"

"Rufus Turner. The most stupidest hunter you'll ever meet." Bobby clarifies.

"You mean Dean?" I joke, looking back at him.

"Why are you being salty?" He puts his hands on hips.

"You were salty to me first." I put my hands on my hips too, mimicking him.

Dean stares at me, tapping his foot like he's restless. "Truths?" He holds out his hand for a friendly handshake.

"Truths." I agree, accepting the handshake.

"I swear to god, you guys are a couple five year olds stuck in a twenty year old's body." Bobby rolls his eyes at our childish manner.

He's only right, though.

"Well, before we left to find you." Sam eyes Dean. "We stumbled upon a case. I mean... What I think is a case."

"What you think?" Dean questions, raising his eyebrows in confusion.

Sam shrugs. "It's hard to say. I think we should at least take a look, just to be safe."

Dean shakes his head, putting his bottle of beer next to him on the desk he's leaning against of and crossed his arms across his chest, obviously skeptical about the whole situation.

"How about you two go check it out. Dean can stay here with me, finish up some stuff. Keep us updated?" Bobby suggests.

Sam stands to his feet and I follow. "You sure? You guys don't need help?"

"No, we'de fine here." Bobby shrugs, nodding.

"Keep us updated, though." Dean comments, looking both Sam and I directly in the eye.

I nod firmly. "Yes, sir."

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