The Waiter And The Murder

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I stomped out of the bathroom after getting dressed, and then tripped over paper towels that were all over the floor, getting bruises down my arms and legs.

And, right when I think how could this morning get any lovelier(Sarcasm! Hint hint!)? I wasn't looking where I was going, and ran into a waitress that was carrying a bunch of food on a tray.

He dropped the food on the floor and before I could fall to the ground too, he grabbed me by my shirt and pulled me back to my feet.

"Oh... I um... Sorry- I was just- and then you... I didn't see you and-" I stumbled over my words, feeling stupid and super embarrassed.

"Calm down." The waiter said. He had dark brown fluffy hair and bright blue eyes. "It's okay. It happens a lot. They shouldn't make the hallway so small where the bathroom and the kitchen door are almost touching." He said, a bright smile on his face.

"Uh... Yeah." And I looked down at his hands still gripping onto my shirt. He quickly let go and stepped back. "Well, uh, sorry again... But I should... I'll go now." And I turned away.

But, he grabbed onto my wrist and pulled me back. Which almost made me fall... Again. "Oh- sorry... I um... I'm Jack."

I nodded my head, confused. Uh... Can I go now?! "Hope."

"I um... You... Have.... Uh... I like your freckles." He quickly said after stumbling over his words again and again.

"Um... Thanks?" And he stared at me. And stared at me. His face was pale and he was sweating, probably from working. "So I'm gonna go now."

"Wait!" He pulled out his tiny note book from his pocket, ripped out a page and wrote something down on it, folded it, and then gave it to me. "Here."

I looked at the folded paper. Stared at it. Then finally took it. "Okay. Goodbye now." And I quickly ran away.

Once I reached the booth Sam and Dean were sitting in, I was breathing heavy and kept looking over my shoulder.

"You okay?" Sam asked, looking back in the same direction I was. "What's wrong?"

"I fell. More than once. And then this waitress guy gave me this." I said holding up the paper.

Sam took it from my hands and opened it. "He gave you his number?"

Dean laughed as I nudged Sam to slide over so I could I sit down next to him. "What?" I asked, still confused.

"Hope, how long have you been human?" Dean asked.

"About a year. What has that got to do with anything?"

"Have you've ever been hit on?" Dean asked, his eyebrows raised, a smirk on his face.

"Well, no duh. I just thought that whole 'giving your number to someone you've just met two seconds ago because they're hot' thing was only in movies."

"Welcome to reality." Dean smiled taking the note from Sam.

I took the piece of paper back from Dean's hand, ripped it in half, and stuck it the glass of water that was in front of me.

"What other 'human reality' things have you've never done?" Dean asked, taking a sip of his coffee.

"I don't know... What exactly are 'human reality' things?"

"Good question. But our lives are far from most people's reality." Sam responded, a small smile on his face.

Before anyone could say anything else, a different waitress (thank the stars) placed a piece of pie in front of Dean.

"Pie? For breakfast?" I asked, raising my eyebrows at him.


I rolled my eyes. The waitress asked me if I wanted anything but I denied. "You're not hungry?" Sam asks, gazing over at me.

"Originally I don't eat much anyways, but I don't usually wake up at six in the morning."

"You woke up at five that one time." Sam mentioned.

"That was because I was being chased and I was leaving! Fleeing the country! Remember that?!"

"Crabby much?" Dean asked. And I rolled my eyes... Again.

Dean picked up the newspaper next to him, begging to read and I looked out the window, annoyed. Just then I felt Sam's huge, warm hand rest on my thigh. I quickly turned my head to face him.

"Better?" He mouthed, a smirk on his face.

"Much." I mouthed back, smiling like an idiot.

"Listen to this." Dean said, and both me and Sam turned our attention to him. "Two men murdered at a park. Claw marks up and down theirs body's... Oh, and here's the best part. When they went to go examine the bodies, their hearts were missing."

"Werewolf." Me and Sam answered simultaneously.

"Bingo." Dean said setting down the newspaper article.

"Wait. How'd you know?" Sam asked me.

"I've been human for a year. It's not like I'm gonna be normal and get through that boring ass life. I needed to do something. So, I read a lot books and did a lot of research. I know more than you think."

"Well, you are an angel." Dean mentioned, winking.

"Was." I corrected him, for the thousandth time. "So, are we gonna check it out?"

"Duh." Dean said, pulling out cash from his wallet, slapping it on the table, and standing up to leave.


Hey, guys. I know this chapter is super cheesy(the sarcasm kills me lol) but i did write this two years ago😂
Anyways, thanks for reading, lots of love,


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