Falling In Love... Again

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We get into the car Bobby let us borrow, me in the driver's seat and Sam in the passenger seat. I called dibs on driving, and the only person that argued was Sam. Bobby actually seemed relieved.

Once we pull out of Bobby's driveway, Sam turns his head to look at me. "That was weird."

"Good, it wasn't just me." I comment, only glancing at him to keep my eyes on the road.

"Bobby needed help getting Rufus out of jail? That doesn't make any sense." Sam shakes his head, looking out the window.

"So they're hiding something from us... but what?"

Sam shrugs. "That's what I'd like to know."

The drive was longer than we had expected. We didn't get into town until ten o'clock at night, meaning we'd have to wait to investigate and go tomorrow morning.

We booked a motel room, and right away Sam sat at the table and opened up his laptop. But not me, no, no, no. I plopped myself right down on the bed and just laid there.

We only got one bed because we'd just end up sleeping in it together anyways, with my nightmares and sh*t.

I sigh loudly, sitting up, staring at Sam who just continues to stare at his laptop. "Sam, what are you doing?"

He only glances up for a second. "Research."

"I think you've done enough research for one day, Samuel."

"Not for the case..." He explains. "I'm trying to hack into Bobby's computer. See what they're hiding from us."


"What?" He asks, as if he's innocent.

"You can't do that! You don't have any proof!" I argue with him.

"I have the proof that I've been with them long enough to know when they're lying." He states, as if it makes this situation any better. "Plus I never do anything bad, so shh."

I roll my eyes and don't respond, because I know he's right. I head for the bathroom to take a shower and change into my pajamas, which takes me forty five minutes, almost exactly.

When I come out of the bathroom, Sam is still
staring at his computer. I sigh loudly and sit across from him at the table. "Sam."

"Hm?" He keeps his eyes locked on the screen, hands on the keys.

I then place my hand on the back of his laptop and close it on his hands, not hard enough to hurt him, but just light enough to close the laptop. "Hope."

His eyes meet mine, and I talk like a stern mother. "You've been staring at that thing for almost two hours now. Take a break."


"Sam, if there's one thing I've learned from you two bozos, it's that secrets are never secret. They always come out eventually, especially if it's about us." I say, my hand still on his laptop.

"Yeah... But-"

"Did you not hear what I just said?"

"Fine... Okay..." Sam removes his hand from the laptop and it completely closes.

"Great." And I pick up his laptop and stand up.

"What are you doing?" He asks, staring up at me.

I turn away, a smirk on my face. "Throwing it out the window."

"Hope..." Sam says as if he's giving me a warning.

I turn only my head to look at him. "Calm your pants down, I'm just plugging it in."

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