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this first part is an actual scene from season 11, but I had to change it up to fit this book. Sorry, no Kevin!

The necklace glowed bright in Deans hand as we slowly made our way down the street, people all around us, asking each other if they were okay.

And that's when we seen him. Chuck.

But it wasn't really Chuck... I mean, it was. But he was different.

Knowing we were there, he slowly turned around as my brother and I just stared blankly at him. We didn't know what to say or how to start.

"We need to talk." Chuck finally says, a small smile on his face.

"What the hell is going on here exactly?" Dean asks, still staring at Chuck with wide eyes. I was too in shock to say anything so I let him do all the talking.

"I'm happy to fill in the blanks... but maybe we should actually go so somewhere where we can sit down." He suggested but right away Dean was against it.

"I'm not going anywhere with you." Dean exclaimed, his voice strong and his tone harsh. "How do we know your really Chuck? And not just some crazy spell..."

During Deans angry question rant, Chuck snapped his fingers and we weren't in that town anymore. We were in the bunker. Both and Dean and I looked around the room in shock and fear and amazement.

I didn't know if I should be terrified or maybe happy or angry. But once everything sunk in... that Chuck was God and with everything that's happened... I was furious.

"So your god..." I say, in a very monotone voice.

Chuck nods, standing there awkwardly, his hands fidgeting at his sides. "Yes, I am God. But I prefer Chuck."

I nod, the anger starting to boil my blood. "So where've you been?" Dean asks casually, staring intensely at Chuck. "Out? Right? While war was going down on Earth, you just decided to... I don't know, write books?"

"Dean..." Chuck tried to say, but now I was ready to throw a chair at him or smash something.

"Remember Hope?" I finally say it, and my voice cracks. "She was one of your special angels... in fact, she knew everything about you. And because of that, you put her in danger. You put her in a wild goose chase for something she couldn't control, and you just sat back and watched?" My voice is getting louder and more angry each time a word flies out of my mouth.

"Sam, I-" Chuck starts up again but now that I'm going, I can't stop. So I cut him off.

"She died for you. She died trying to keep your secret safe. And for what?! She couldn't even remember you! You left her and the rest of the angels, but she was still on your side! She still protected you!" I clench my hands into fists, my whole body starting to shake with anger.

"And now she's dead! She's dead and it's all your fault! And you didn't do anything about it! You could have helped her, stopped the angels, did something! She never wanted any of it! It's all your fault! You let her die, you watched her die... And I wasn't there to protect her." I wasn't there to protect her from herself. The tears in my eyes had finally escaped and were sliding down my face.

After Hope died, I was very closed off and didn't talk about it much. I never really got to express how angry or sad I was when she was gone. I didn't want to talk about it. So when Chuck... God, came... I let it all out.

I sniffled, calming myself down, wiping my tears with my sleeve. At first no one said anything just to see if I had anything else to say, but I just stood there. My heart aching and my head spinning. Dean places a hand on my shoulder in effort to comfort me, patting it. I look at him and nod, letting him know I was okay.

"Sam, I know what I did... I know what happened but you have to trust me when I say I couldn't do anything about it." Chuck responded, his voice soft but with what he was saying was making me angry all over again.

"I know she died for me... And that was fate. It was supposed to happen this way. She saved me and I couldn't be more grateful." Chuck continues, taking a deep breath.

"I've wanted to repay her for a long time. But I couldn't... Not without you two. Because that's all she ever wanted." A smile grows on his face, like he's excited for what's about to happen next.

"What's that's supposed to mean?" Dean asks, crossing his arms.

Chuck takes a deep breath, that smile never leaving his face. "Sam, Dean... She's been waiting for you for a very long time."

Before Dean or I could say anything at all, there was a bright light, forcing me to close to my eyes. When the light was gone and it was save to open my eyes again, I did just that, and the first thing I noticed was someone standing next to Chuck. A girl.

A girl with bright green eyes and light brown hair. A girl who was small and fragile, but strong and determined. A girl who's smile could save my life. A girl I would fight for. A girl who's worth fighting for.


My Hope. My fallen angel.

I stare at her, my mind filled with a thousand words, but then none at all.

She smiles at me, and that makes the tears start up again except now I'm smiling too. And I can't help myself when I run up to her and engulf her a hug and never let go.

I squeeze her so tight that it probably hurts her but she doesn't care. She's squeezing me back and I'm crying into her shoulder and she's stroking my hair.

"I'm sorry." She tells me and I only pull away a little to look at her face. I shake my head, finding no words coming out of my mouth. So instead, I kiss her. I kiss her to let her know she doesn't have to be.

And that I forgive her.

And that I love her.

Fallen Angel||Sam Winchester X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now