I'm Sorry... But I Don't Know

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(Hope POV)

When I wake up, I keep my eyes closed. My head is pounding and I can't concentrate on anything. I'm scared for my life but I can't remember why, and frankly, I don't really want to find out.

It hurt like hell and my thoughts are jumbled up. I clench my hands into fists, just to see if I could move again. AND I COULD.

I then open my eyes, and I wasn't where I was before. Instead of staring at bare, concrete walls, I was staring up at a plain white ceiling. I then sit up, taking in my surroundings.

I was lying on a bed, the walls made of bricks, a dresser to my left, and there was a door that was closed in front of me. I knew where I was, like I've been here before, I just couldn't put my finger on it.

I was getting an intense headache and my mind was racing so fast I couldn't keep up with myself. I roll out of the bed, holding my head in my hands.

My vision was a little blurry around the edges, and I as seeing black dots, but I continued for the door. I slowly stepped out of the room, heading down the long corridor. My legs were shaking under my weight, and my eyes couldn't focus one specific thing.

I stumbled into a room and the first thing I see are three grown men all sitting at a table, staring up at me.

(Sam POV)

Dean sat next to me and Cas was sitting across from me. Dean typed rapidly on his computer, Cas stared into a book, and I just sat there. Thinking.

I was deep in my thoughts when we all heard a long thumping sound. The three of shot our heads up towards the noise to see... Hope.

She was leaning against the wall, as if trying to hold herself up. She was squinting at us, as if she couldn't see that far across the room.

We then all stood up, kind of shocked. "Hope!" I practically jumped over the table, ran up to her, and engulfed her in a hug.

I didn't know how well Cas' healing worked, so I didn't hug her too hard. I wrapped my arms around her waist and held her against me. It took her a second, but she eventually hugged back.

I let go to look at her face, but I held onto her waist to steady her. Her legs were shaking and she couldn't stand up straight. "Hey, Hope." I smiled down at her. "How are you feeling?"

She was gripping my shoulder, not wanting to fall. She gazed up at me, eyebrows furrowed. "Who..." She cocks her head at me and then hisses, holding her head in her hands.

"Hope?" I ask, gripping her waist tighter.

"Sam." She suddenly picks her head up, staring up into my eyes. "Sam... Your name is Sam." She nods, as if to answer her own question.

"Hope, did you forget?" Cas asks her before I get a chance to.

"I..." She looks his way, as if she remembers just then that there's other people in the room besides the two of us. "For a second, I did... Cas. Castiel."

Hope slowly breaks away, turning to look at my brother. "And you're... Dean."

Dean grins, nodding. "Yeah, I'm Dean." And then he hugs her. She let's go and smiles, turning her head to look at Cas.

And then Cas hugs her. She's a little startled when he does this so fast. And I can understand why, Cas isn't usually the touchy/feely kinda person. But she hugs him back, resting her head on his shoulder.

"How do you feel?" Cas asks when he breaks away.

"Fine, I guess..." She responds. "My head kinda hurts and everything's a little blurry."

"Can you remember your name?" I ask her. She almost forgot ours, so what else could she have forgotten?

It takes her a second, but she does remember. "I'm Hope... I'm an... angel. Yeah, angel." She recalls. "And I fell... From Heaven. So, I'm human now... Right, human."

"Do you know what just happened?" Dean asks her. "Before you woke up?"

Hope looks away, pondering his question. I can tell she's trying really hard to sort through her thoughts. She then hisses and holds her head in her hands. "That's okay, take your time." Cas tells her, resting his hand on her shoulder.

"I can't remember..." She shakes her head, keeping it in her hands. "It hurts..."

"It's okay." I then wrap my arms around her and she leans into me. "Take a deep breath, it's okay. You're okay."

She leans her head on my chest, hiding her face from the rest of the world, wrapping her arms around my waist.

"Hope?" Cas asks, trying to get her to look at him. She does move her head to make eye contact with the angel. "What's the last thing you remember?"

Hope hesitates, biting her lip. I loosen my grip to look down at her. "I don't... I can't remember."

Cas looks at us, asking for help through the look in his eye. "Do you remember the hunt we went on? Just me and you? With the shapeshifters?" I ask her softly.

Hope looks away, trying to remember. But she can't. "No..."

"Do you remember when I was gone? Do you remember having to come to Bobby's to look for me?" Dean asks her, moving to stand next to Cas.

Again, she thinks hard. But can't seem to remember anything we did. "No..."

"Do you remember what you did before you met the Winchester's? Where you were?" Cas asks her, raising his eyebrows.

She looks scared. There's fear in her eyes and I can see it. She looks anywhere but us. "No... I'm sorry... I can't remember..."

"Do you know where we are now?" Cas asks, the panic in voice slightly showing.

She looks around the room before looking the angel in the eye. "No."



Happy 2018 everyone! Hope this year will be a good one!

Thanks, lots of love to ya,


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