Angels Bring Pain

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It was when we were finally leaving the diner, that a sharp, red hot, pain shot through my right arm. I fell to my knees and groaned in pain, grasping my arm with my left hand.

"What? What's wrong?! What happened?!" Sam asked, but both Sam and Dean kneeled beside me.

I rolled up my sleeve to reveal my arm soaked in blood. "What the hell?! Weren't you fine like two seconds ago?! What did you do?!" Dean asked.

"I think I would have noticed if my arm was bleeding this bad two seconds ago." I hissed.

"Wait..." Sam gently holds my arm in his to examine it. "I think it says something."

"Says something?" I asked, totally confused.

"Yeah... Like something is carved into your skin." Sam told me, raising his eyebrows in confusion.

"Okay... what's it say, genius?" Dean asked.

"I can't read it. There's too much blood."

"I love your concern for the lettering more than the fact that my arm is drenched in blood and that it randomly shows up out of nowhere." I don't know how I manage to be so sarcastic in dramatic moments like these.

"Come on." Sam helped me stand up and we got back into the impala. I wrapped my jacket around my bloody arm and held it there until we drove back to this, so called 'bunker' that was only fifteen minutes away.

This place was huge. A giant abandoned building stood above the bunker. We walked into this door that lead us to these stairs and that took you underground. There was machine things everywhere, bookshelves filled with millions of different colored books. "Whoa... This. Is. Awesome."

"You like?" Dean asked, placing a huge duffel bag on top of the table.

"I like." I told him.

"Come here." Sam lead me to a sink and pulled out a first aid kit.

"So, how'd you find this place?" I asked him as he removes the jacket from my arm.

"Well, it was owned by the Men of Letters."

"I've heard of them." I nod, gazing around in awe.

"We're legacy's." Dean cut in. "We're also Men of Letters."

"But only recently?" I asked him, smiling.

"We only found out recently." He corrected me.

Just then another sharp pain shot up my arm. "Ow!" I pulled my injured hand away, realizing it was still there and I was still bleeding.

"Sorry." Sam assured me, slowly taking his hand in mine again. "When Zech called you Lost Hope... Do all angels call you that?"

"Yeah... How'd you..." But then I saw what was carved into my arm. The words Lost Hope written in my own blood, covered my right arm.

"What?" Dean asked coming over by us.

"They found us at the diner." I told him, showing him my arm.

"Angel blade?"

"I'd believe so."

"So... They could find you here?" Sam asked, raising his eyebrows in concern.

"Yeah...." I answered. "I guess so."

"Then we'll have to angel proof the bunker." Dean said, as if making it a permanent rule.

"Wait. What about Cas?" I asked, obviously concerned for our friend.

"He has a cell phone." Sam told me, and I didn't argue. After I bandaged my arm while Sam and Dean angel warded every room in the bunker, with my help of course, we all decided to sit in Sam's room to watch a movie.

But, the movie was really boring so we were talking more than watching. "How do you get around this place? It's huge."

"You get used to it." Sam said, shrugging.

"I've walked around three times now and I'm still lost." I told them.

Dean laughed then signed tiredly. "I can't keep my eyes open any longer. I'm gonna head off to bed."

"Where do I sleep?" I asked, sitting up from the chair I was slouching in.

"You can have the room across from Sam's." Dean told me, throwing a pillow in my direction.

"Cool." I said, standing up, looking over to Sam. "Wait. This is really your room? It looks so..."

"I know. It doesn't even look like anyone lives here." Dean agreed. "Your room is blank."

"I don't know... I like it like this." Sam shrugged, defending himself. "I guess I've never had a real home to 'decorate.'"

I shrugged too. "It doesn't really matter to me, I was just asking."

"Alright." Dean rubbed his eyes and yawned. "I'm going to bed." And I followed him to the exit.

"Night." Sam said, standing and turning off the TV.

"Night." I smiled, giving him a little wave.

Dean was in front of me so before I could leave the room, Sam grabbed my wrist. I turned around to face him, kind of confused, but not minding at all... whatsoever. "If you need anything, I'll be here."

I nodded. "Thanks... For everything. Helping me, letting me stay here."

He nodded too, a small smile on his face. "No problem. That's our job... To help people."

I smiled back at him. "I've never had real home either." I confess. "I get it."

He nodded, grinning wide, his face turning a bright pink, as was mine. "Thanks."

I turned to leave again and looked back at him just one last time. "Good night, Sam."

"Good night, Hope."


They found me.
I have to run.
I have to go.
Before I fall.
Before they catch me.
Before I die.
I'm cornered.
And I can't escape.
This is it.
This is how I die.

It's okay... Better me, than the Winchester's.
"You don't have to do this." I pleaded. "You're better than this. All of you."

"It's either you or them." He said, grinning evilly because he knows I'm not letting anyone die for me.

I swallowed hard, not saying anything. "That's what I thought." The angel smirked.

He brought his hand back then quickly pushed his angel sword through my stomach. I could feel it piercing through me. I fell back against the book shelf as the tip of blade was sticking out of my back, a clean cut through my body.

He quickly pulled the sword out of my stomach and then did the same thing, only faster right next to the first wound he gave me.

I fell to the ground in pain, ready to just die right then and there, because I just wanted the pain to go away.

And the worst thing was...

I didn't even fight back.

I didn't hear or see them disappear. All I could see was a bright light and a strong ringing sound in my ears.

"Hope!" I hear someone's voice screaming my name, but its far and distant. "Hope!"


Fallen Angel||Sam Winchester X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now