Come With Us?

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"So, how long have you two known each other?" Sam asked me and Cas as I began to clean his wounds.

"Since God decided to create a Castiel." I told him, as if this was any normal conversation to have.

"She's older." Cas replied. "Older than the Arc Angels."

"Hey!" I scoff.

He shrugs. "It's true."

"Not anymore. H U M A N." I spelled out for him, smirking.

"Did you know each other well?" Dean asked, raising his eyebrows.

"Yeah. He was my favorite brother." I replied, winking at Cas. "Besides Lucifer." And they all just stared at me like I've just about lost my mind. "I'm kidding."

But still, no one laughed. "Geez. Rough crowd." I mumble, attending back to Cas.

"So... you both rebelled?" Sam asked, his arms crossed over his chest as he leans against the counter.

"Yes." Cas and I answered simultaneously.

"And... Is your grace still out there?" Dean asked, sitting at the opposite end of the table that Cas and I were.

"I think so... But I'm not going to go looking for it. I'd rather be human." I told them, avoiding eye contact at all times.

Well, I used to want it, to get revenge but... I don't know anymore. My feelings changed. I like having all the emotions even though it can be a pain in the ass sometimes.

Love. Pain. Fear. Joy. I think it's amazing.

"So what about God? Why does everyone think you know where he is?" Sam asked. They had many, many questions.

"Well, I did. At first. But then he abandoned me, I rebelled, I fell, and now I have no idea what the hell happened to his sorry ass." I explained, feeling a bubble of anger boil in my stomach.

"So what now? Find God?" Dean asked.

"We've tried before, Dean. God doesn't want to be found." Cas reminded him.

"If there is one." I muttered.

"What? You think there's no God?" Sam asked.

"Well... I don't know anymore. Why the hell would he leave? Why let all this crap happen to the world?"

They didn't have an answer for that one. "Dean's right. I mean, Hope, your going to be hunted down sooner or later."

"Even if we did look for him, I'd be dead before we could even talk to him." I added.

"Not if you stay with us." Dean mentioned, looking directly into my eyes. He's serious.

"Wait. Like... hunt with you?"

"If you want." Sam added, a cute little smile on his lips.

"Yeah... with the Winchester's is probably the safest place to be right now." Cas told me, looking up at me.

"WAIT... Back the hell up. You two are the Winchester's?"

"Sam and Dean Winchester." Cas responded, nodding.

"The Winchester's that started the apocalypse? Opened Lucifer's cage? The two most important vessels in all of history?" I was in complete awe.

"So, you've heard of us." Dean smirked.

"Who hasn't?! Your HUGE on angel radio. You two freakin died about a million times and have actually came back."

"So... Is that a good thing for a bad thing?" Sam asked, scratching his head.

"Don't worry, it's good. You've done everything I was trying to stand up for back in Heaven." I told them. "That explains how you know Castiel."

"He got me outta hell." Dean explained.

"I know."

"So? Will you come with us or not?" Sam asked, seeming impatient.

"I guess so. Beats getting torchered." I joked, though it was true. "Yeah... what are we gonna do about that, by the way?"

"I say we try to find God again. And if we can't, somehow convince the Angels that you don't know anything." Sam suggested.

"I don't like it." I said, shaking my head. "The angles won't understand."

"It's all we got." Dean mentioned.

I shrugged, taking a deep breath. "Than its a plan."

And that was that.

~Time skip~

"You're going to have to dump the car, Hope." Dean said, putting his hand on my shoulder.



I sighed loudly. "Fine." So I took the license plates off the car and threw them in the nearby trash can. I took my keys and shoved them in my bag. Once we find a motel to stay at, I'll have to burn the keys.

"Ready?" He asked, smirking evilly.

"Let's go."  I say coldly.

~few days later~

"So, do you guys always wake up at six in the morning?" I asked, yawning.

"I think it has more to do with the fact that we just can't sleep." Sam said, looking over at me. We were packing up our things. The guys were already dressed but I was still in a tank top and long pajama pants.

"That sucks." I said, plopping down on the unmade bed. "Where to next?"

"Breakfast, library, and then the bunker." Dean said, shutting his laptop.

"All I heard I was breakfast." I told him, standing up.

We picked up our things and all gathered out of the room. "Aren't you gonna change?" Dean asked.

I looked down at myself, still in my pajamas. "Nope." Then I threw a hoodie on.

"Okay. Good talk." Dean nodded, shutting the door behind him.

"She's not a morning person." Sam said to Dean.

"I got that much." Dean said, opening the driver's seat door.

"Shut up and get in the car." I told them, opening up the back door.

Sam smiles at Dean. "Told you."

~In Baby(the car, don't get dirty minded on me now)~

"So, do you always play the same songs over and over again?" I ask, scooting to the front of my seat.

"Shut up." Dean said, keeping his eyes on the road.

"Just asking." I laid back and crossed my arms. A few minutes later we pulled into a small parking lot of a diner called the Waffle House. "And do you always eat at diners?"

"I like their food." Dean told me.

"Hurray?"  I muttered to myself, opening up the car door as did Sam and Dean.

"You're sure you don't want to change?" Sam asked, looking down at me.

"Fine." I grabbed my backpack from the back seat then slammed the door. "I'll change inside. Happy?"

"Very." Dean answered, a grin on his face. And I rolled my eyes. I hate mornings. Ugh.


Heeyyyyy... guys, i don't know how i feel about this fanfic. I mean i know it sucks, but i don't know anymore. AHHHHGHHH.
Idk what i'm gonna do with it, fml
Well, if you ARE reading this, thanks i'm sorry you have to suffer😂
Much love,


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