Get The Silver Knife

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(Hope POV)

I push the door open and there's no one there. I keep my gun out in front of me, taking slow steady steps.

I step into the kitchen to find nothing but a box of cereal lying on the table, spilling all over the floor. "Hey."

I jump at the sudden voice, and whip around so fast my gun almost goes off accidentally in the process. "Whoa, whoa, whoa! Don't shoot! It's me!" He holds his hands up.

"Sam?!" I let out a huge breath I didn't even know I was holding.

"Yes," He points at himself. "Sam."

I shake my head. "You scared the crap out of me." I drop my gun to my side, sighing deeply. "Find anything?"

"No. You?"

"Nope." I sigh again, looking around the kitchen. "But, I think the real question is, where is Emily Thompson?"

Sam shrugs, looking around as well. "Didn't see her."

I raise my eyebrows at him, inching closer to him, kinda confused at his attitude towards the situation. "I'm gonna go check those back rooms." I then announce.

"No!" He grabs my arm to stop me from walking past him. "I already did. Empty."

I look down at the grip he has on my arm. He's squeezing my arm really tight. "Sam, let go."

He hesitates at first. "Right." but he does let me go. "Sorry."

"Yeah..." I step back, taking my gun out of my holster. "I'm sorry too." And I point the gun at him.

"Hope?!" Sam holds in hands up again, a worried expression on his face.

"But you're not Sam." And I pull the trigger. The bullet ripples through him, blood leaking from his mouth and hole in his stomach.

He stares at me, sending shivers down my spine. "You. Bitch." The gun I didn't see him holding just seconds ago was now in his hand, pointing in my direction.

Before I get a chance to react, he pulls the trigger, sending a bullet into my thigh. I scream in pain, falling to my knees.

Fake Sam then falls, landing right on his face: dead.

My whole body is shaking and my leg is on fire. "Son of a bitch." I bite my lip, examining the hole in my only good pair of jeans.

I then take my jacket off, use my knife to cut the sleeve off and then tie it around my thigh to stop the bleeding. "Alright." I take a deep breath, reassuring myself. "You can do it, Hope."

I grab the edge of the table and pull myself up. It hurts like a mother fudger to stand on my leg, but I push through the pain and stand on two legs.

I limp past the dead shapeshifter who has Sam's face, my hands shaking. I go look to the back rooms to find one door closed. I gulp, wrapping my hand around the handle and slowly pushing it open.

The first thing I see... Sam. My Sam. Not shapeshifter Sam.

He's bound to a wooden chair by ropes. His head shoots up to look at me and a wave of relief washes over his face. I then notice the other person in the room. It's a girl. A girl that looks exactly like Emily Thompson who is dead on the floor in front of Sam.

Another shifter is behind him working on something. And...wait. So there's two of shapeshifters?!

The shifter who had its back facing me turns around and I'm caught red handed(literally with all the blood on my hands). "Oh, good! You're back."

At first I'm really confused. "Finally, it takes two shots to take down a hunter?" He asks, raising his eyebrows.

And then I get it. This shifter thinks I'm his shifter buddy that I killed. "Oh- yeah! She was a real fighter that one."

The relieved look on Sam's face suddenly dropped, as if it was never there. "You... you killed her?!" Now he's got tears in his eyes and it takes everything in me not to run up to him and wrap him up in a huge hug. "You son a bitch!" He starts rocking in his chair, trying to escape the ropes.

"Alright!" The shifter puts a gag over Sam's mouth before he could say anything else. "That's enough talking, just shut up!"

Silent tears run down Sam's face and I have to look away. Once the shifter turns it's back again, I look directly into Sam's eyes and wink at him.

He then squints at me, looking confused as all hell. "So, uh... What are we doing with him?" I ask the shifter, limping closer to Sam.

"We're going to torcher him." The shifter said casually, it's back still towards me. "Find out where his hunter brother is. Kill him."

"Right..." I say, awkwardly, inching towards the shifter, holding my silver knife behind my back.

Once I'm arm's length away, I hold my knife above my head, ready to strike. "But maybe he doesn't have to die today." And I attempt to stab him in the back.

But, apparently he knew I was there, and that I wasn't a shifter because it whipped around and caught my hand before I could do it. "Fool!"

"Damn it." I mumble, struggling to get my knife hand free.

"You stupid Hunters... Stupid, stupid Hunters." The shifter shakes his head, almost as if he's disappointed.

I then take my free hand and punch it in the jaw. The shifter stumbles backwards, dropping my hand, clinging onto my knife. The shifter shrieks at the silver touch and throws the knife across the room.

The shifter and I make eye contact, both look at the knife, and then back at each other. Then, as if planned, I run for the knife and the shifter runs for me.

It jumps ontop of me, making me fall to the ground, the shifter holding me down. It looks me directly in the eyes and punches me in the face.


And again.

And again.

And now I can't see and there's blood everywhere. Somehow, Sam gets untied and saves my ass, obviously with a fight.

He lifts the shifter off me and as they fight back and forth, I go for the silver knife. The shifter's got Sam pinned against the wall and I sneak up behind it and stab it in the back.

The shifter stands there for a second, frozen in shock. It then falls to the ground, dead. I look at Sam who's got a black eye forming and a busted lip. He looks at me like I'm a dead man walking.

Just then I can feel blood oozing out of my mouth and it won't stop. I look down at the red droplets falling to the floor before my legs give out and my body itself is falling.

"Oh my god!" But, a pair of arms catches me before I could hit the ground. "Hope!" He carefully pulls me into his arms and studies my face.

"I'm okay." I tell him, wiping my bloody mouth with my sleeve.

"The hell you are!" He argues. "Come on." And he picks me up, bridal style, and carries me out of the murder home.


Oh gosh, oh me, oh my... dudes, so sorry I haven't been updating.
Thanks for reading though my beautiful people,
love ya,


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