I Saved The Sheep

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"Sam! I saved the sheep!" I woke up with a start, quickly sat up, saw Sam out of the corner of my eye and yelled to him.

He stared at me, thinking about how to respond. He slowly raised an eyebrow, very confused. "Hope? You okay?"

"All those dreams about dying..." I shake my head, ripping the covers of the blanket that was cuddled around me off. "They... they were gone."

I swing my legs over the bed to sit on the edge and Sam quickly got up from the chair he sat on from across the room. "What?"

"And I did it. For the longest time, I felt this pressure on my chest... this weight on my shoulders." And I stand up, faster than I intended. My leg gave out and I began falling to the floor before Sam ran over and caught me just in time. Again.


"I saved the sheep, Sammy." I tell him, cutting him off.

He stares at me again. Then a little smile creeps on his face. "How many painkillers did you take?"

I pat his shoulder, grinning. "Just enough, Sam." I answer, trying to push off his arm to stand up right. "Just enough."

I look up at his face, his lip still puffy, cheeks filled with cuts, and his eye swollen and black. I wonder how I look...

Nope, never mind. I don't want to know.

"How's that leg?" He asks, holding my arms so I don't fall on my ass again.

"It's great." I wink at him for no apparent reason. "How's that face?"

He nods, a small smile on his lips. "Fine."

"Yeah," I agree. "FINE AS HELL."

He laughs, shaking his head. "Come on, let's get you back into bed."

"No can do, sir. We've got to get back to Bobby's." I tell him.

"What? Why?"

"Because the sheep, Sam. They're okay. And that's all that matters." I say in a song-song voice.

He stares at me for a long time, still confused about the sheep. "We need to get you some help."

"Sh!" I laugh at him. "Let's go!"

"Wait." He holds me against him, and kisses me softly.

"Okay, they can wait." You answer before kissing him back.


"Hey, Hope?" Sam was driving this time since I could barely use my right leg at all whatsoever.


"What... what are we gonna tell Dean?" He keeps his eyes on the road, biting his slightly swollen lip.

"I'm sorry..." I shake my head. "What are we telling Dean about?"

Sam glances over at me. "This..." He hesitates. "Us."

I shrug. "We've slept together before."

"Yeah..." He says before shaking his head. "But that was awhile ago. And we're taking it more serious now."

I raise my eyebrows, smirking at him. "Are we now?"

He smiles at me, grabbing my hand and intertwining it with his. "Yes, yes we are."

I nod, seeming that I can't wipe the goofy grin on my face. "Good."


We get to Bobby's later that day. We park the car in front and I limp to the door and Sam follows close behind.

I knock on the door and right away Dean answers. "Hey! How..." He then stares at us, his eyes bugging out of his head. "What the hell happened to you too?!"

I sigh, rolling my eyes. "Just like us in, dorkus."

He does, stepping back so Sam and I could walk in. We walked straight into Bobby's study where he sat at his desk, nose in a book. He then glances up at us and has to do a double take.

"Did you guys get hit by a bus or somethin'?!" Bobby asks, keeping his eyes on us as he stands up.

"A bus called a shapeshifter, if that's what you're asking." I inform him.

"Well," Sam begins. "There was two shapeshifters."

Dean then follows us into the study. "I told you to call me if you needed help!" He argues.

Sam shrugs. "We didn't."

Dean crosses his arm, leaning against the door frame. "Yeah, tell that to your swollen face."

"Alright, can we get along for once?" I ask the brothers, tired of their constant bickering.

"Yeah." Bobby agrees. "She's right. Now shut up you too." He spats, closing the book he was just reading.

"Wait..." Sam says, looking between Dean and Bobby. "Do we really look that bad?"


I'm sorry

I'm a bad at updating.

Boo me.

Thanks anyways!

Much love,


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