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    Okay, before ANYTHING, there's two things you should know about me.

First of all, my name is Hope Mayors.

Second of all, I'm an angel. An angel of the Lord, as some might say.

Well, at least I used to be an angel. I'm human now. A mortal. I fell. From Heaven.

There was another angel who fell years ago, but she(Anna) couldn't remember who her true form was until she met the Winchesters. They're big on angel radio.

I can talk to angel radio, which isn't rare for fallen angels. And, like every other angel, the only way I could die is from an angel sword. Or else, trust me, I would have been dead a long time ago.

Anyway, I'm one of the four angels that has actually seen God. We're his, what most angels like to call 'Specialists.'

There's four of these so called Specialists. Me: Hope, Faith, Peace, and Courage.

At least I got one of the normal names.

I fell, I rebelled. Now I have an angel named Abraham on my ass because he thinks I know where God is.

Well, I used to. I was on a mission from him, but when he left his usual hiding place, I fell. I rebelled because I knew it was the right thing, that God wasn't around anymore. All the angels think otherwise.

And I feel bad for them. Plus all the angels were surprised that one of the Specialists actually rebelled. They thought I was so lucky. But they never met their father.

How could they possibly know what God is like?

But now God ditched his precious little place upstairs and now I'm stuck as a human until I could find my grace.

Actually every angel there ever was is currently trying to find me. But I stay hidden, and carry on with my so called 'normal human life.'

Right now, as a human, I'm an accountant. I work at a tiny desk, in a tiny office, and It's boring. I live in a small apartment in the middle of New York.

It's the price I have to pay for doing what's right. But if I get my grace back, I could tell the other angels this isn't right. I could show them, what they think is a good father, as he left us, for what he really is.

I'm gonna find him. And I'm gonna get my revenge.


"Ms. Mayors?" A familiar voice filled the room.

Dammit. I should have closed my office door.

I looked up and saw Mandy. The tall, handsome man with short black hair, deep blue eyes, and a black business suit on. "Yes?"

"You didn't call." He walked further into the room, taking a seat in front of my desk. I pretended to act like I was doing something important, but reality I was writing son of a bitch over and over again in my notebook.

"Mandy, I'm working. I can't talk now." I said continuing to write.


Over and over again.

"Okay, why don't you give me your number and I'll call you." He wasn't going to shut up anytime soon.

Times like this I wish I still had my grace so I could just disappear whenever I wanted.

"Look Mandy, you really are a nice guy. But I'm not looking for a relationship right now." I said looking up at him. My bright green eyes glowing up at his blue ones.

"I understand." He stood up, pushing the chair back in, and I looked back down at my fake work in my notebook. "How about tomorrow?"

"Mandy, if you ask me again tomorrow, you won't see me ever again." I mentioned in a normal tone, as I looked up from my notebook.

He slowly nodded, his face bright red, his mouth in the shape of an O as he quickly left the room.

Okay, don't judge, I'm an angel. We don't have much emotion so I'm trying to get used to all this not-so-harsh attitude. I already got the eat, drink, bathroom, human crap I have to do to stay alive down.

I guess I was lost in my thoughts because I didn't hear the scream until I heard the crowd. I looked up at my open office door and a huge crowd of my many co. workers were all in the doorway, backs facing me.

I stood up, grabbed my notebook and held it up against my chest so no one could see it, and I pushed past the crowd. I was one of the shortest people there. "Excuse me."

Once I made it to the front of the crowd, I saw a person on a stretcher covered by a white cloth. Blood was all over the floor. I turned to the man standing next to me. He was old, balding and had a gray suit on. "What happened?"

"Killed himself with a knife." He answered not looking at me. That's been happening a lot around here lately.

Now, I know I said I'm trying to stay hidden but it's time for me to investigate. I rebelled. This is what I do. Doesn't seem like any hunters will be coming by anytime soon, and this isn't normal.

I swallowed hard and nodded. I looked up at the crowd on the other side of me. A tall man with long brown hair, hazel eyes, and a small smile was staring at me.

I pushed my hand back through my light brown hair that was up in a pony tail. I smiled back and quickly looked away.

Time to investigate.


Okay well I hope you like this first part. Sorry it was short, thanks for reading! Love ya!


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