RIP Emily Thompson

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"Dean, we're fine." I say for one hundredth time.

"I know, I know. Just making sure." He says.

"Alright, we're leaving soon. Sam will call you after we finish." I assure him, holding the phone close to my ear.

"He better. And call you if need any help."

"Will do." I nod, even though he can't see me.

"Alright, bye Hope. Stay safe."

"Bye Dean, we will!"And I hung up on him.

Just then Sam walks out of the bathroom with a toothbrush in his mouth, only wearing a towel. "Ready?" He asks, raising his eyebrows.

"Yeah... But are you?" I ask, crossing my arms.

"Touché." He grins, backing up into the bathroom again to change.

We figured out the shifter was after the family it had killed, which was kinda obvious. But why? We haven't really figured that out yet.

We figure he's going after the young man that died, David Thompson's, sister Emily Thompson. Since that's the only family left that's still alive.

So, now we're gonna watch her house from afar in our car like freaking stalkers. I hate this part but what the hell, I'm not letting anyone else die..

I tucked my gun into my holster and threw my jacket over my shoulders just as Sam walks out the bathroom, fully clothed.

"Hey, you okay?" Sam asks, walking closer to me.

I look up at him, raising my eyebrows. "Yeah... Why?"

He shrugs. "You just seem... sad." He stops right in front of me, staring down at my with sympathetic eyes.

Worst human feeling?


"No." I shrug. "I'm fine."

He stares down at me, like he doesn't believe me. Which, he probably doesn't. "It was the kid, wasn't it?"

I shake my head, looking down at my feet, biting my lip. He's right. It was the dead kid that got me. I just keep thinking about him.

The sweet, innocent boy with his whole life in front of him, was dead. He could have been something. He could have changed the world. He could have saved a life.

But we'll never know. Because he's dead.

"He wasn't meant to die." I whisper, holding back tears, staring down at my shoes.

"None of them were, Hope." He says, putting his hand on shoulders.

I don't answer, too scared I'll cry if I say anything.


F*ck it. I'm not hiding my feelings anymore.

"He was only a kid..." Tears spill from my eyes and I keep my head down.

"I know..." Sam whispers, pulling me into a hug. He squeezes me tight and I loosely wrap my arms around him. "I'm sorry. But things happen for a reason. And this is it. This is what hunters have to deal with... You just have to remember that it's all gonna be okay in the end."

He rocks back and forth, stroking my hair as I calm myself down and stop the tears from falling. Sam kisses my forehead and I close my eyes.

This man right here, he is beautiful.

Inside and out.


Me in the driver's seat, Sam in the passengers, we were waiting in front of Emily Thompson's house. It was so dark out, the only light was coming from Emily's closed blinds.

Sam and I waited, staring at the house for anything unusual. It's been a long time so far, and nothing has happened. I sigh, leaning back in my chair.

"You know," I turn to Sam. "If I die on this case-"

But I'm quickly cut off. "Don't say that." Sam is staring at me with intense eyes, a sad look on his face.

I don't know what to say, so I shake my head and look back at Emily's house. "Sorry..."

"Hope..." The way he said my name sent shivers up my spine. I look back at him to see he hasn't taken his eyes off me, and is staring with sad eyes that make me want to cry again. "I can't lose you." He shakes his head. "I can't."

"Sam, your the one person who's probably ever seen me cry." I flash him a sad smile. "I can't lose you either."

I'm looking deep into his beautiful hazel orbs. Maybe if I could get lost in them for just one second, everything would be okay. It would make everything better.

And before I knew it, his lips were on mine. Sam was kissing me, and I was kissing back. I closed my eyes and placed my hands on his chest, while his were gripping my waist.

I then realized what we were doing. Where we were. HOW WE'RE SUPPOSED TO BE WORKING A CASE. I then let go, taking a deep breath.

"Sam." I mumble, trying to catch my breath.

And before I could finish my entire thought, we hear a scream. Coming from Emily's house. "Oh shoot." Sam quickly sits back, helping me along the way.

"Oh my god, come on!" I push the car door open and run out.

Sam follows close behind and we've both got our guns out. I peek through the window and now the lights are off, and I can't see anything inside. "I'll go through the front, you go through the back, meet in the middle?"

Sam nods. "Yeah, sounds good... Count to sixty and we'll go in. Be careful." He whispers before taking off silently to the backyard.

I wait in front the front door, my gun up, my other hand holding onto the door handle. I count to sixty slowly in my head.


I turn the handle of the door.


I take a deep breath.

60! Here goes nothing!


(Sam POV)


I swing the door open, holding my gun out in front of me. The first thing I see is the dead women(Emily I'm guessing) lying on the floor in a puddle of her own blood.

Next to her is a woman who looks exactly like her. So, that's probably the shifter. Before I can do anything else, the door slams shut behind me and I'm hit in the back of the head with something heavy.

I fall to my knees, dropping my gun. My head is spinning and I can't see straight. I can feel warm blood already dripping down my face.

"Hunters." The thing that hit me sneered in disgust. "I hate Hunters."

I hold my head in one hand, looking up at the creature to see it looks exactly like me. Well, shit. There's two of them.

I look around and I don't see Hope. Oh no...

The shifter hits me in the head again and this time, I'm totally out.


sorry I haven't been updating;( This new update is weird. I usually write on google docs and then copy and paste it to wattpad, but it won't let me on my phone so I had to do it with my laptop. Anyways, as always thanks for reading, love u all,


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