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I backed away. "Please don't."

He held his sword in one hand, pointing it in my direction. "Too late."

I feel my back hit the wall, and I had nowhere to go. Nowhere to run. There was no escaping this. I was surrounded, and they all wanted me dead.

"Fine. Do it." I stand firm, deciding to go down with at least some dignity left in me.

"Aww," He looks around at his fellow brothers and sisters. "She's accepting her fate..." He then looks back at me, staring into my eyes. "How cute..."

I shrug, glaring at him. "I wouldn't exactly call it 'cute.'"

He nods, an evil smirk plastered on his face. "You're right..." He walks closer to me and I stay against the wall. "It's not cute." He speaks, walking until our faces are only inches away from each other. "Some might say it's... heroic."

I swallow hard, feeling the sweat drip down my face. "Call it what you want. It's my fate, and I can't change it."

He shakes his head, holding his sword up to my face. "Yes... You're right. You can't..." And he then shoves his sword into my chest. "But it's not heroic."

I can feel it going through my body, crushing my bones, hitting the wall behind me. It's like my breath is caught in my throat and everything is on fire.

"It's cowardly."


I stumbled out of my room, terrified at the last nightmare I had just experienced. I clutch my pillow and blanket in one hand, and with the other I slowly open Sam's bedroom door.

I hate disturbing him, especially when he's sleeping. He doesn't get a lot of it like he should, and I worry about him. But, I'm still scared and don't want to sleep alone in a dark room, with scary thoughts running through my head.

So, I make myself a bed with my blanket and pillow on the floor, next to Sam's bed. I don't get in with him because I know he'll wake up.

I lay on the floor, clutching my pillow, and close my eyes. I find myself counting Sam's breathes until I fall asleep, which isn't long.

(Sam POV)

I wake up, hearing a soft snoring sound. Confused, I slowly sit up, wondering if it's all in my head. The first thing I see is that my bedroom door is open.

I never leave my door open at night. So, that's when I start to get a little panicky. I slowly reach for my gun under my pillow and hold it with two hands.

I then watch the door as I get up. When my feet hit the floor, I knew instantly something is different. It felt like I was standing on a really soft carpenting.

So, I look down. I sigh, tossing my gun back onto my bed. There was Hope, lying on my bedroom floor, a soft blanket under her(that I was stepping on), hugging a pillow.

I chuckle softly, knowing it was all her. She didn't want to wake me, but probably had another nightmare. I smile, feeling a blush creep over my cheeks.

She's so cute... Her eyes are closed and her mouth is open just slightly, soft snores escaping her lips. She's definitely a cuddler, you could tell just by looking at the way she hugs that pillow.

I kneel by her head and place a soft kiss on her forehead before standing up and leaving my room, deciding to let her sleep, since she didn't wake me.

I got to the kitchen and made myself some coffee, not bothering to make Dean and/or Hope any. They could make some themselves when they get up, the lazy bums.

I sat at the table and opened my laptop, trying to find out if this certain case is an our kind of thing or not. When I'm in a deep hole, trying to decide, already having done so much research, Hope walks into the room.

"It only took me ten minutes," She begins and I look up at her. "But I found the kitchen."

I smile, nodding. "Welcome. Glad you could join us..." I look around, remembering it is just me in here. "Me."

"Thank you, as am I." She gives her head a small bow in my direction, a cute little smile on her face. She then heads towards the fridge and gazed around for about two minutes.

"What exactly are you looking for?" I turn around in my chair to ask her.

"Edible food. All that's in here is an expired carton of milk, and a container filled of what looks like could be zombie brains." She tells me, finally shutting the fridge.

"Yeah... We should probably do some grocery shopping." I say before turning back to my laptop. "By the way... You can always just slip in bed with me. You don't have to sleep on the floor."

She looks at me, her face a bright red. "Sorry about that... I had a nightmare."

I shake my head. "It's fine. I'm just letting you know." I smirk up at her.

She nods, smirking back. "Thanks."

I nod. "No problem."

She then sighs loudly and makes herself some coffee before joining me at the table, sitting directly across from me. "Whatcha doing?"

"Case stuff. I can't figure out if this is an our kind of thing situation." I explain, raising my eyebrows at her.

She shrugs. "If you can't decide, we should probably go. Better to be safe than sorry." And she takes a sip out of her mug.

I smirk at her, nodding. "Alright." And I shut my laptop. "Good thinking."

"Now..." She sets her cup carefully back down on the table before politely folding her hands in front of her.  "Who should have the honors of waking up the beast this lovely morning?"

I chuckle, already knowing she's talking about Dean. "I'll do it." I say, shutting my laptop, standing up.

"Great." She smiles, leaning back in her chair as she takes another sip of coffee.

I shake my head, a smile plastered on my face, walking out of the room to Dean's.

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