The Three Men Who Are Dead

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"So, you think it's a...?" I look back at him just for a second to see if he's actually listening or not.

"Shapeshifter." He responds, looking in my direction just before I look back at the road again.

"Right..." I nod. "Do we have-?"



"We're gonna have to shopping."

"Oh gawd..."

We need silver bullets or a silver knife to kill a shapeshifter. Given we left the bunker in a hurry and got Bobby's crap rental car, we didn't have much materials. So, we had to do some shopping.


We got back into the car after our quick stop. I put the keys in the ignition and looked over at Sam. "Got an address of the crime scene?"


Sam dressed into his black suit and tie, and I got on a dark blue dress. He made sure I had my fake 'FBI' badge and silver bullets on me 24/7.

"I still don't understand why you chose the name Stefani Joanne Angelina Germanotta." Sam read off before handing me back my fake ID.

"What?" I shrugged. "It's Lady Gaga's real name." I tried to hide a smile.

"And you think they're not gonna think anything of it?" Sam asks, raising his eyebrows.

"Please, you didn't know her real name." I pointed out.

"Doesn't mean that they won't." Sam argued, crossing his arms.

"Sam, shut up until we get there."

Once we pulled up at the scene of the crime, I could already see the blood splatters on the side of the house; there was yells police tape in front of. "Damn."

"That's a lot of blood." Sam comments as we both stare out the windshield at it.

"You're telling me." I say, looking back at him. "Let's go."

We get out of the car and head straight for the police tape. But, just as we're about to cross over it, a cop lady stops us.

"FBI." Sam says to her, pulling out his fake badge before she can even question us. I awkwardly get mine out too and show the woman.

"Alright, I'll show you around." She nods, lifting the police tape so we could go under it. "I'm gonna be honest, agents. This is the most violent crime scene I've ever worked on."

I look over at the blood stained home. "I can tell."

"Don't worry. We'll figure it out." Sam assures the cop.

She nods hesitantly before leading the way. There were three bodies. A middle aged man, a small child(which I couldn't look and was close to tears at), and an old man.

The middle aged man's throat was cut, the child was stabbed twenty three times, and the old man was gutted, which was totally disturbing.

"How did this happen?" Sam asks the cop in complete shock.

The woman shrugs. "There was only one witness, and she's not saying much. We know the victims were slaughtered with a knife, they left it behind."

"Did you scan for finger prints?" I ask quietly.

She nodded, touching her dark brown hair that was pulled back neatly into a perfect bun. "No use, though... We do have security footage, but you can't see the killer's face. Just his eyes."

Sam sighs, looking back the victims, white clothes over each of their bodies, blood spots peeking through. "Can we see the footage?"

"Yeah." The cop nods, shoving her hands in her coat pockets. "Come with me."

We followed the cop inside the house. She lead us to an office room where a computer was sitting on the desk, with the footage already opened. "The owner of the house had security cameras."

She plays the footage. It's in black and white and only shows the outside of the front door. At first, it's quiet and nothing happens. But just then a man walks up to the door. There's a hood over his head and a scarf around his mouth. He takes something out of his pocket, unlocks the door, and swings it open. Before he steps in, he looks up at the camera. His eyes flash and both Sam and I instantly know it's definitely a shapeshifter.

"That's all we got." The cop shrugs, stopping the computer, looking back at us.

Sam nods, biting his lip. "I think we've got it from here. Thank you."

She gives us a small smile and nods, heading for the door. At that moment, I couldn't help myself. I felt so bad, I just had to ask. "Um, officer?"

She stops and turns her head to look at me. "How may I help you?"

I hesitate at first. "Who... who were they?" I ask, walking closer.

"Who? The victims?"

I nod, wrapping my arms around myself. "Yeah..."

The woman sighs, fully turning towards me, shifting all her weight to one foot. "A grandfather lived here, wife died three years ago of breast cancer. The young man was the old man's son, and the kid was young man's son. His wife died last year in a car accident."

I nod, biting my lip.

"Tragic." She adds.

I nod in agreement, scared that if I open my mouth I'll actually burst into tears.

The woman gives me a sad smile. "Let me know if you need anything else." And she leaves the room.

Sam takes a deep breath behind me. "Shapeshifter?"

I nod just before turning around to face him. "Yep."

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