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(Sam POV)

"You let her leave?! Alone?!" Dean screamed at me.

"Seriously, Dean?!" I yelled back. "How much trouble is she actually in?! Why won't you tell us what's happening?! Because if she's hurt in anyway at all, it's all your fault."

Dean grabs his coat off from the back of the chair, ignoring my comment, obviously pissed and frustrated and worried all at the same time. "Come on, we have to go find her."

And I don't argue. As we head up the stairs of the bunker, I stare down at my phone. "She left four hours ago and isn't texting or calling me back." I inform him.

"Sam. Dean." Before Dean could respond, a familiar voice sounded from downstairs.

"Cas?!" Both Dean and I lean over the ledge to look at him. "Hope is missing." Dean tells him.

Cas stares up at us, nodding. "I know. I've come to tell you that." He says and both Dean and I run down the stairs to be face to face with Cas.

"What happened? How did you know?" I ask, feeling the anxiety build up in stomach.

"She was taken by an angel under the orders of Zechariah." Cas tells us. "He isn't giving up and was planning to take her away."

Dean shakes his head, anxious and nervous. "Where did they take her?" Dean asks, raising his eyebrows.

"New Mexico. I couldn't get in though, the place is warded front to back." Cas says, shaking his head, as if disappointed in himself.

"Then Sam and I will go." Dean says, his voice sounding rough and ready to fight.

"Dean..." Cas speaks up, but my brother cuts him off.

"I know, Cas."

I look between the two of them, obviously confused. "What? What's wrong? Is she alright?"

Cas shake his head. "I don't know..."

"But they need her alive, right? To find God." I respond, staring at Cas so hard that he has to keep looking away.

"I... I guess so. But with the torture she will go through... There won't be any of her left." Cas says, his voice quiet.

"Then let's go!" Dean shouts, shoving his gun into his pocket. I agree, looking over at Cas, getting this terrified feeling in stomach just thinking about where she could be.

"Take us to her, Cas?"

He nods, walking closer to Dean and I. "Be careful. I'll be waiting." And he presses two fingers to my forehead.


Cas zapped us to an abandoned house in the middle of the woods. It was a few feet from where Dean and I stood, staring at it.

"She's in the basement." Cas' voice rings out from behind us. "I can sense her. Get her out and meet me back here."

I nod, as does Dean. Everything's a little messy right now, but the thing I know we can all agree on is getting Hope back. Safe and alive.

"Wait." I say, looking between my brother and the angel. "I think I have a right to know now." I say. "And so does Hope."

Dean sighs loudly, looking back at Cas who hesitates before nodding. "Alright, Sammy." Dean turns his head to look at me. "We'll make this quick... turns out, Hope does know where God is."

It takes a moment for me to process the words coming from his mouth. "Wait. What?"

"She knows where God is." Cas repeats. "But she doesn't know she knows. After the fall, God had wiped most of her memory clean. But everything about being an angel, and God, it still remains in her head, it's just locked up. So, somewhere in there is God's location." He explains, his voice the same tone through the whole explanation.

"But... how do you know?" I ask, my head beginning to pound.

"One of the other Specialists." Cas answers. "He was torchered for the information. He wanted to keep Hope save, but..."

"But he was a dick." Dean finishes his sentence, sounding angry as ever. "And now we've got to save her before they do any serious damage." He responds, walking past me.

My mind is racing and I feel like I'm gonna throw up. But I have to shove everything else aside and focus on getting Hope back.

I stare at Cas for a few moments before following Dean, taking a deep breath as I do so. Dean and I carefully make our way to the house, guns in hand. "You okay?" He asks quietly.

"Yeah." I nod, swallowing my fears. "Let's get her back, Dean."

He nods, switching off the safety on his gun. "Let's get her back."

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