The Run Away

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Once the hotel room was practically covered in angel warding that was carved to my memory, I plopped myself down on the tiny bed made for one.

I sat there for as long as I could remember running through my thoughts. Then there was a knock at the door that made me jump.

I slowly pushed myself off the bed, looked through the eye hole on the door to see the brothers on the other side.

I reached for the doorknob and pulled the door open. "Hi." I said coldly letting them in.

"Hi." Sam casually said.

"You okay?" Dean asked setting his duffle bag on the bed. I sat in a chair in the corner of the room.

"I'm wonderful." I told him sarcastically. "I'm just so done with all this angel carp."

"Well, I'm sorry to have to do this to you but our friend, the good angel, Cas-Castiel, needs to get in here, so I have to cut all the wardings." Sam said pulling a knife from the duffle bag they had.

I took a deep breath as Sam and Dean began to cut a tiny slip in each warding so they no longer worked.

Once they were done, Castiel appeared in the middle of the room. "Thank you." He responded in his deep voice.

"Hope." Castiel gestured towards me. I stood up at stared into his deep blue eyes.

"Castiel." I stated.

"Well, forget the whole introduction." Dean responded.

"You two know each other?" Sam asked, confused.

Before me or Castiel could answer, a bright light blinded the whole room. Along with a high pitched ringing noise. "Shut your eyes!" Castiel yelled, turning towards us.



(3rd person POV)

"What the hell was that?" Dean asked standing up from where he was crouching, covering his ears.

"Where's Hope?" Sam asked looking around the room.

"It was Zechariah. He has Hope." Castiel answered looking around the room.

"Cas, how do you two know each other? I feel like we're not getting the whole truth here." Dean mentioned.

Cas took a deep breath. Now both Sam and Dean were waiting for an answer. "I guess you're not getting the whole entire truth..."

"So..." Sam began waiting for Cas to elaborate. "What's the truth, then?"

"Hope. She's... Not what you would expect. She's an angel. Dare I say, was, an angel. She fell. From Heaven. Right when God disappeared, Hope disappeared as well. She's, what we call, a Specialist. One of the four Angels that talk to God. Supposedly, she knows where God is, so every angel is tracking her down." Cas explained.

"Wait... So she's an angel? Like you?" Dean asked trying to get the whole story.

"No. She's human now. But yes, she was an angel, before she fell." Cas responded.

"But... Wouldn't she not know who she was? Like Anna?" Sam asked.

"Like I said, she's a Specialist. Of course she's going to remember."

"Well, you're right. I wasn't expecting that." Dean answered.

"So, she lied to us. She does know why Zechariah is on her ass. She said she was a hunter." Sam looked down at his hands, face begging to turn red.

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