The Plan

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(Hope POV)

"Alright, Hope." The angel sneers. "Where is he?"

"Dead." I answer. "Or at least I hope." I grin up at him.

The angel shakes his head, backing away from where I was tied up. "You and Castiel... where did you two go wrong?"

I ignore the question, looking around the room. It was cold and dark, a single light swinging over my head. "Where's Zechariah? Why does he have other angels doing his dirty work for him?"

But it's like he can't even hear me. "Where. Is. He. Hope." The angel grinds his teeth together, clenching his hands into fists.

"Who?" Now I'm trying to make him mad, which I know is a horrible idea, but I can't resist.

The angel then slaps me right across the face. My cheek burns and I accidentally bit my tongue in the process, so now it's numb. "Tell me!" He screams.

"Asshole!" I scream back.

The angel shakes his head, biting his lip. "You give me no choice."

"Sure, I do. You can stop being such a dick and let me free." I suggest.

But the angel ignores me, turning away to grab some sort of torture device that sends shivers down my shine just glancing at it. Actual goosebumps appear on my arms when he turns to look at me once again, and he's holding it out in front of him. "I'm sorry it had to come to this."

"Um, sorry I'm not very good on torture devices, what is that?" I ask, my voice trembling. I'm more scared than I lead off. Which, I guess is sometimes a good thing.

"You could have been so brilliant... if only you were on our side." He shakes his head, ignoring my question.

"Excuse me, I asked you a question." I snap.

"Dumb girl. Dumb hunter." He shakes his head.

And that's when a different angel, whom I hadn't realized was there, standing right next to me, jabbed a needle into my arm.

Within seconds, I was extremely tired, my eyes fluttering at a constant rate. My whole body felt numb and I could no longer move. Not even my lips to talk. The angel then placed the torture device over my head. Once it was all strapped in, he leaned down so our faces were only centimeters apart. "This is going to hurt... a lot."

(Sam POV)

Dean and I, now in the basement of the building, we're walking down a long corridor. We both held our guns up and in front of us as we quickly moved down the hall.

That's when he heard screaming. Hope's screaming. My heart sank into my stomach as I began to run towards the sound. "Sam!" Dean yelled, running after me. "We have to stick to the plan!"

I know we have to 'stick to the plan'. But I just want to get there quickly as possible because they're torturing her. They're torturing the girl I love.

I stop running when i've reached the end of the hallway, standing in front of the closed double doors. The screaming has now stopped and my heart is beating a million miles an hour and I'm sweating like crazy and I've never been more nervous in my entire life.

She stopped screaming. They could have killed her...

"Sam." Dean whispers, smacking my shoulder. "I need you to stay focused, okay?"

I nod, biting my lip. "Okay."

"I want her back too, but we have to do this right or she dies... okay?"

I nod again, wiping my sweat covered hands on my jeans. "Okay... let's do this."

Dean turns towards the door and I do what he does because I somewhat wasn't listening to the plan when he explained it to me. I was too worried about her. "On three?"

I nod, looking back at the door, assuming we were gonna kick it down. "Three!" My brother yells, catching me off guard.

But together we kick down the door and stumble into the room.

The first thing I see is Hope, tied up to a wooden chair, blood gushing down the side of her face. And she's sleeping... or at least I hope. She probably passed out from blood loss.

There's an angel in front of her, in a suit, his black hair short and spiky. And then there's a another angel standing next to Hope, wearing a red dress, holding a very large needle.

"Get away from her!" I yell, pointing my gun at the angel in the suit. He slowly turns around to face me, a small smirk resting on his lips. "Sam, Dean." He sighs. "We've been expecting you."

Dean points his gun at the other angel, the one in the dress, holding the large needle. "I'm sure you have. You dicks know everything." Dean replied.

The angel in the suit laughs, slowly creeping closer to us. "She called me a dick too. Is that some sort of code word you apes use for us?"

"Let. Her. Go." I'm sick of the small talk. I just want to get Hope out of here, get her as far away from here as possible, and hold her in my arms.

"Someone's anxious!" The angel says, as if in excitement. "Calm down lover boy, she's not dead... yet."

Dean shakes his head, not buying anything he's saying. "You can't kill her. You need her."

The angel shakes his head. "We don't need her. We need the information that's somewhere in that tiny brain of hers... Once we have it, we kill her." He shrugs. "It's simple, really."

And before I could think about what I was doing, out of nowhere, I pulled the trigger. That wasn't part of the plan... oh well.

To be continued...

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