Gun Shots and Sheep

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I wouldn't let Sam take me to a hospital. It wasn't that bad. Sure my head was spinning and I was in pain...

And then Sam reminded me I've been shot.

"Well, if I can get the bullet out in one piece, then it'll be fine." I tell him, waving it off.


"I'm serious, Sam."

"Hope, your nose might be broken. It won't stop bleeding."

"And neither will your lip, so shut up."

We get back to the motel room and Sam carries me(his idea not mine) inside and sets me down carefully on the bed. "I'll get the first AID kit."

He comes back and gives me the kit. I take out a pair of tweezers and Sam gets some rubbing alcohol. "Ever stitch a bullet wound before?"

He hesitates before answering. "Yes..."

"Great. Because I suck at it." I give him a warm smile to lighten the mood, for which he returns.

"If that bullet doesn't come out in one piece I'm taking you to the ER." He says, sitting in a chair across from me. "Just so you know."

"Whatever you say, Mr. Winchester." I then throw him a towel and some nealsopran. "Now clean up that lip."

He tells me to wait for him to start picking at the hole in my thigh before he goes to the bathroom. I agree and sit there, staring at the blank tv feeling a little light headed. "Hope?"

I look up and Sam is staring down at me with a concerned look on his face. "Yeah?"

"How you feeling?" He asks, slowly taking a seat on the chair in front of me.

"Like I've been shot." I state, trying my best to avoid the question. "Now, help me get my pants off." (DON'T BE WEIRD GUYS!!!😂)

With a struggle, we get my bloody pants off, and I sit there, Sam holding a flashlight above me, as I dig through the hole in my thigh with tweezers.

There is a fluffy blanket over my other leg and over my whole upper waist. I try to focus on how soft it is more than how much this hurts. I hiss and squeal in pain. Sam places his hand on my shoulder, not really knowing how else to help.

That's probably because I wouldn't let him do anything else but manage the flashlight. I finally got the bullet out in one piece and held it up to my face to examine it. "This thing is coated in blood."

"Yeah, you're losing a lot of it." Sam comments, looking me in the eyes. "Your face is super pale."

I don't respond, my head spinning and my eyes growing heavy. "Sam..."

He places his hands on my cheeks and smooths my hair out of my face. "Hope, I think we need to-"

"No..." I push his hand away, knowing he was going to say something about going to the hospital. He looks down at me, concern written all over his cute little face. "Help me stitch it up?"

He hesitates before nodding. He leaves the room for a few seconds, coming back with a needle, some thread, and pain killers. "Take these... This might hurt and I don't want you black out on me."

"I'm not gonna black out, Sammy." I tell him, patting his shoulder. "I'm just seeing black spots."


When I looked down at myself, I was bleeding from a huge hole in my stomach. I fell to the floor, unable to breath normally or keep my head up.

And at that moment, I had had it.

Dying over and over again just isn't cutting it anymore. I'm not scared anymore. Of dying. Of the angles. Of anything.

I'm over it.

I'm ready to go down swinging.

I closed my eyes and opened them again to find myself in a whole new situation. I was in a field. A beautiful field with bright green grass and multi colored flowers here and there.

And I couldn't help assume that I was dying. Maybe I lost too much blood from that stupid gun shot.

I look into the distance to see a gated up area of just field, and inside the gate were sheep. Three fluffy white sheep attempting to jump over the fence at once, failing each time.

A voice in the back of my head told me to help them.

To save them.

To help them over that god damn fence.

So... that's what I did.

I helped them over the god damn fence.

Fallen Angel||Sam Winchester X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now