-- Chapter 1 -- Plastic Bags, Highlighters & Coffee

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~ 3rd PERSON POV ~

Of course her plastic bag split open. Of course, with Xena's great luck, all her tampons, period related items, and groceries spilled out of the bag. This was mortifying. Embarrassment flushed her features, her cheeks growing brighter than her hair, as she saw several faces fixed on her. She was scrambling to pick up all her stuff when she felt a hand touch hers. Her eyes grew wide, and filled with more shame.

"Hey I got it," The voice said. She dared not to look up at whoever was kind enough to help her pick up her stuff. They put it in another bag for her, and placed it gently in front of her.

"Thanks," She mumbled, trying not to stammer, still not bringing her head up.

"No problem." The voice softly said back.

After a few moments of thinking, she decided out of common courtesy and politeness, to greet whoever helped her and thank them. She brought her head up to a boy, maybe twenty-four. He had coffee colored eyes and yellow hair as bright as any highlighter in all the office supply stores in the world. He was showing off a huge smile, his eyes squinting with little wrinkles on his cheeks. The grin basically radiated happiness, making it hard for her not to smile, which she didn't do often.

"I, um," She didn't know what to say, which caused her further discomfort.

He laughed and smiled again "No problems, happy to help,"

They both stood up in unison as she collected her bag off the floor. He gave her one last grin as she shot him a small one back. She walked out of the store cursing herself for being so difficult.

"Stupid me, so awkward and embarrassing," she sighed, loading her groceries into the trunk.


Xena wasn't feeling the cardio today. Not that she was feeling it any other day, either, but she forced herself to get up early and go for a run, for health's sake.

"Health my ass." was all she mumbled as she got her trainers on.

When she stepped outside, the dim street lights were still on. It wasn't dark, the sun was rising, but it wasn't bright either. She locked the front door, pulled out her phone and put on a playlist. She was surprised she even got this far every morning. She bounded off the front step, the music blaring in her ears.

Her street was fairly quiet at this time so she wasn't worried about anyone she knew seeing her without makeup, her dark circles like black bags underneath her eyes. At least what got her through this, was Fall Out Boy's Infinity on High. She was just really getting into Thnks Fr Th Mmrs as she turned the corner for Almont Drive. Suddenly, SMACK. She ran straight into something solid. She heard a gasp, indicating it was someone, and not something.

"Oh my gosh, I am so sorry, are you okay?" the voice asked, worried

Xena picked herself up off the ground, dusting herself off.

"Yeah I'm fine sorry, my fault. Are you okay?" Her sentence abruptly halted as she looked up to the boy with the lemon colored hair. She could spot that hair in a crowd of ten thousand.

He laughed "Its you. Grocery bag girl?"

"Yeah the clumsy one, I bumped into you, again,"

"No, this one is on me, I was on my phone and I needed to skip a song," He replied

"You run every morning at this time?" she asked, curious.

"Yeah, I do. I live like, a few blocks that way." He exclaimed, using his hands to point down the street.

"I haven't ever seen you and I run this way everyday," She stated

"I've seen you around,"

"Sorry about the, uh, groceries. Thanks for helping me. I never got the chance to thank you," She said, as her cheeks flushed red, thinking back to that moment.

"It was really no problem. I'm Joshua, by the way. I'm known as Josh, though." He grinned, sticking his hand out to shake it.

"Xena." She replied, shaking his calloused hand.

"I love your hair,"

"Oh, thanks. I love yours too, it's a cool color." She exclaimed, conversation coming easier to her now.

"I used to have mine red."

"I'm thinking orange next? Not sure yet."

"That would look awesome." He stopped for a second, looking deep in thought. "Hey, do you," He paused, his eyes darting as he twiddled his thumbs, and sucked in a sharp breath. "Maybe wanna grab a coffee?"

"Now?" She asked, puzzled.

"Like, after your run?" He was visibly blushing.

"Oh, sure I'd love to." She gave him a warm and polite smile, giddiness dancing inside her stomach.

"Well, I guess um, hand me your phone,"

"Smooth, Joshua," She laughed, handing him her phone.

He typed in his number and handed her the phone back.

"Cool, well it's a date." He exclaimed.

"Oh is it Josh?" she sneered, returning a grin.

"Yes, Xena." He laughed.

He waved goodbye and jogged off as Xena stood there, perplexed and shocked. Who is the mysterious boy with yellow hair as bright as the sun?

okay ya'll, that's my first update. hope you liked it (who is even reading this, who am I even talking to?) and I have a bit lined up so another update will come soon.

this is my first story I have ever uploaded BE NICE TO ME.

I think every chapter you can get a random fact from me to keep it interesting.

fact 1 - I come from Australia. no we do not have 5 ft spiders and no we do not greet everybody saying "g'day mate". ALSO MOST IMPORTANTLY WE DO NOT SAY "chuck a shrimp on the barbie". I thought that should be known.

catch ya later

K.R xx 

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