-- Chapter 11 -- Brick By Boring Brick

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AN: i know this is short and bad, but the next chapter is oh my god. like seriously omg.

"Are you sure you want to see them?" The woman asked

"It's my last chance." Alexandra exclaimed

"Door's open if you need to come out sooner." She beckoned her into the stark white room with the wave of her hand

Alexandra walked in slowly, approaching the tables. The woman appeared beside her.

"Ready?" She asked, pulling the sheets off delicately, not even waiting for an answer.

A quiet and shrill gasp escaped Alexandra's lips.

"You can leave," The woman put a hand on her shoulder in attempt to console the girl

"N, no, it's o, okay." She gulped

"Next?" The woman asked

"One sec," Alexandra almost inaudibly said, bending down beside the table "I'm sorry, mom."


"A," She faltered "I," She tried again but the sheer shock of the situation caused her to pass out

Her eyes fluttered open, her living room ceiling coming into focus. She shifted her vision and glanced around the room. Surrounding her were police and various other people.

"Excuse me?" She called out. Nobody answered "Hello? Excuse me?" She called out again

A young man in a police uniform approached her. He crouched beside the sofa "Oh hi miss. You're,"

Alexandra wasn't paying attention to anything. Instead she was focused on the black body bag that was being carried down her stairs.

"No, stop." She shooshed the officer. "What's happening and why is there a body bag in my house?"

"Uh," The policeman's eyes darted around wildly.


She stood back up, brushing away the tear under her eye. They approached the next table, the sheet slowly pulled off.

"I'm sorry," Alexandra kissed his forehead "I didn't mean for this."

"Sorry Will. Sorry Megan. It's all my fault."

Xena knew that this was her crashing moment but she also knew the only thing she could do was rebuild her life, brick by boring brick.

i know it was bad, but as i said the next chapter is oh my god. this is lowkey a filler but its here for a reason nonetheless. 

hope you enjoyed it, as always, laterrrrrr.

K.R xx

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