-- Chapter 10 -- Curiosity Killed The Cat

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hey people i'm back. hope you like this chapter, the real plot is gonna start to show in this chapter and the next ones coming. i have heaps of stuff planned as i keep saying but now i get to start writing it out and it's going well. this is a shorter chapter, i know but it's got important details. the flashbacks are gonna drop heaps of hints too so hopefully ya'll will pick up on them. i'm proud of this chapter so i hope you enjoy it :)

~ Tyler's POV ~

"You know, my parents told me to never ever do this before marriage," I laughed

"And now look at you... Us," Jenna giggled, short of breath

"I know. If only they, no, never mind."

"Shutup. Less talk, more fun." Jenna chuckled


"Want some breakfast?" Jenna pulled the bed sheets straight

"Yes please," My stomach grumbled in hunger

"I'll make something." She exited the room and disappeared downstairs

I checked my phone before stretching. I rancorously got out of bed and retrieved my clothing. I picked it all up and slipped it on.

"Where are my shoes?" I muttered to myself

I rummaged through Jenna's room for my shoes but I couldn't find them. As I was searching under the bed, I spotted a small box shaped object. I grappled for it but it was pretty far under. I lay down on my stomach and managed to get a grip on it, dragging it out along the carpet. It was simple and black with three silver engraved lines on the spine. The spine was worn and creased, the edges of the book frayed and torn slightly. I blew the collection of dust off the top and examined it carefully.

It had a lock in the side, totally typical for a diary or something.

I turned the book in my hands, trying to see what exactly it was. The lock must've been so old because it kind of snapped off when I jiggled it. I peeled back the first page and found a name written on it in neat cursive writing. It said Alexandra Parker and then had a violent line through it. Underneath in scrawly capital writing, it said XENA. Against my better judgement I decided to look through the book. I turned the first page which had a really good detailed sketch of a... Demon? I wasn't even sure what it was. Below the sketch was the writing you will go to hell for what you did. I turned the next page and it was full of writing. I think it was a diary or a journal. Xena's, to be specific. The writing was mostly dark, but kind of poetic though. It was about suffering and revenge, I think. I studied a few more pages, analysing all the writing. There were a few songs, and they weren't too bad either.

Whether the writing was good or not though, I was definitely not supposed to see this. I felt guilty and ashamed. It was kind of like marching into someone's brain and knowing all their opinions and secrets, intruding their feelings and thoughts. I scooped up the book and hid it in my jacket as I dashed downstairs for some food.


I was surprised to see Josh emerge into the living room at 12 pm from nowhere. I hadn't heard the door open or anything so I made the safe assumption he had slept over. I leapt up from Jenna's grasp and embraced Josh.

"Ready?" Josh asked, stepping back

We proceeded to do our handshake and I heard Jenna sniggering hysterically behind me "That is so lame and stupid,"

"It's bro code," I turned to her, defensively crossing my arms.

"Yeah, this took hours to perfect. I'm hurt." Josh chuckled

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