Figured You Out

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Chapter 1: Stranger In Grimmauld Place

"GUARD ALL THE ENTRANCES! MAKE SURE EACH AND EVERY FLOOR IS NOTIFIED OF THE SITUATION AT HAND! WE CAN'T AFFORD TO LOOSE ANYONE!" Amber Lee Wade shouted as she ran through the corridors of the Ministry of Magic, dodging fellow coworkers. "I WANT ALL AURORS ON DUTY NOW! SHACKLEBOLT IS CURRENTLY TAKING CARE OF OTHER BUSINESS AND IN NOT HERE, SO LISTEN! MAKE SURE THE DEPARTMENT OF MYSTERIES IS BLOCKED AND CHECK WITH THE MINISTERS BODY STAFF IF EVERYTHING IS ALRIGHT!" 'Like I really care what happens to that doddering old fool. I'll inform Dumbledore.' She ran down the hall and to her office with her wand gripped tightly in her right hand. She launched herself upon the dusty telephone that occupied the top right corner of her desk and picked up the receiver. "I hope I still remember how to use this thing," she said as she put it to her ear and started pressing the numbered buttons in the correct sequence. After six annoying sounds coming through the speaker, she heard a click and a few voices in the background on the other line.

"No, Hermione... Please! I know how to use it!"

"But Mr. Weasley..."

"Will somebody just answer the bloody thing!" Came a woman's voice in the background.

"Alright - alright!" The person cleared their throat and said, "hello? Anybody there?"

"Is Arthur Weasley, Kingsley Shacklebolt or anyone from the Order there?" Amber talked quickly as she started to hear distant screams coming from down the hall.

"Who is this?"

"It's an emergency!" She said urgently.

"This is Arthur Weasley."

"Thank Merlin. Arthur - this is Amber Lee Wade.

"This works well, I can hear you clearly, however it doesn't sound like you Amber."

"I know that Arthur, but we have a problem."

"A problem? With the feley-tone? No, it seems perfectly fine."

She started to hear an uproar of laughter in the background on Mr. Weasley's end.

"No Arthur, there's another problem and the telephone is perfectly normal, just listen. The DeathEaters are attacking and we need backup now! Tell Kingsley to inform all Aurors in the Order - actually - anyone that can help!" She said hurriedly as she poked her head out the door to check if any DeathEaters were coming her way. Luckily there wasn't.

"Alright just calm down a bit, Dumbledore has just sent Fawkes and everyone will be there shortly."

"Thanks, hurry!" With that, she threw the receiver down and ran out to where all the fighting was taking place. Fortunately, the DeathEaters have been forced out of the building and everything was taking place just outside, on the street.


Members of the Order of the Phoenix arrived immediately after the phone call took place. Arthur Weasley, Nymphadora Tonks, Remus Lupin, Kingsley Shacklebolt, Alastor Mad-Eye Moody, and many others of the Order apparated outside of the Ministry to help in the fight against many DeathEaters who attempted to destroy the Ministry. However the DeathEaters were not having much success due to the Order of the Phoenix and the help of one unknown Auror.

"Hurry - they cannot hold them back much longer!" Tonks yelled to the rest of the Order as she ran through the blaze of random curses and hexes to reach a witch who was dueling with none other than Bellatrix Lestrange. She followed Bella's cackle as she tried to reach Amber as quickly as possible.

"WADE! You cannot defeat me! For I am the Dark Lords overall faithful servant and sent me here, for he knew that I would succeed tonight!" Bella shrieked out into the downpour of rain and wind. Both women had disarmed the other and they were trying to find whatever could be used as a weapon.

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