36: Somebody Knows You Now

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Amber wasn’t relatively aware of what was going on around her. She was floating, she knew that much but to where? She had no idea. Groggily, she opened her eyes to see the dark night facing her. The sky was clear, the stars shining bright and the moon was new. A lopsided smile spread over her lips knowing that tonight was perfect for Remus. He loved the night when it was dark with no trace of the moon whatsoever. Maybe later they could go on a romantic rendezvous with a picnic basket full of small fruits, cheeses, and crackers. Oh and some hot chocolate, chocolate syrup and chocolate candy… He would like that and a little…ahem… dessert afterwards.

Suddenly she hissed as she felt a sharp stab of pain in her leg as she knocked into something, then remained still. Since she wasn’t able see a few inches ahead, she felt with her palms and fingers, tracing the fabric underneath her and the hard, rough polls parallel to eachother. It was some kind of cot or a stretcher that was holding her in the air. With a sweep of her hand, she confirmed that there was nothing below her and knew someone was carrying her.

It’s Remus, she thought with a smile. He was taking her somewhere where they would lovingly caress eachother with their eyes and hands, silently telling eachother how much they meant another.

Pain spread quicker as her body awakened to full sense and it was nearly impossible to breathe correctly as each injury stabbed at her. Why was she hurting? Remus wouldn’t hurt her – not intentionally.

What was that? Did that cry come from her? No, that was not from her. Then, who? There it was again except it sounded like… a baby? A baby! The name came to her mind quickly and it struck her with so much more pain than what was physically possible.

“ANDREW!” shrieked Amber. She thrashed about on the cot, summoning all of the strength of her body and forcing every muscle and bone to move to her command. Alas, even all of her heart and soul could not restore her body to its healthy state. “Andrew!” She whimpered helplessly and reached out with her hand to find nothing.

“Can you see anything, Mad-Eye?” Tonks whispered from behind a broken window three stories above the street in an abandoned building.

Mad-Eye’s gnarled hands grasped the edge of the brick as he spied on the Death Eaters. “There's eight of ‘em.”

“I can see that, but is anything with them? Can that crazy eye of yours find anything?”

“Wade’s with ‘em. On the stretcher.”

“What! I can’t see her!”

“Shush girl! We don’t need ‘em knowing our position,” Mad-Eye growled.

She ignored him, “is she alright, can you tell?”

He paused before answering, “she’s moving. She’s under the Disillusionment Charm.”

Silence fell between them as Amber’s cries fell upon deaf ears.

“Set her on the bed,” Healer Bickerson muttered as Bellatrix led the crew into the abandoned apartment room. The walls were gray, wallpaper scraps peeling, and splotches of paint remained on the drywall. The off-white carpet held stains but it looked as if the team of Healers and matrons cleaned every loose particle of dust out of the room. The room was at a low temperature to slow blood flow incase any veins or arteries needed repaired. “Where will you be waiting?”

“I have posted men throughout the building to insure everything is under control. I will be outside the door.”

“You will not be in the room? What if she wakes? Won’t one of you stay? Because I don’t want her attack to happen again,” Bickerson snarled and sent a bothered look at Amber.

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