19: Happiness Can Be Found In The Darkest of Moments- Part Two

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Not being able to distinguish or place the voice was unnerving her as she held the book to her chest. “Was that Italian that you were reciting? Lovely language that is, sounds even better when it slips from those luscious lips and falls in your erotic voice.” The voice drawled on.

She tried to think of anyone that it could be. It wasn’t Remus, because she would have known from the start and would probably be taking advantage of the situation by being alone with him in a library. It wasn’t David, because he isn’t a wizard and wouldn’t be in Diagon Alley. Then who could it be? One of the convicts that escaped Azkaban? Unconsciously, she gasped, knowing she wasn’t in the best situation with her guard down and this person could be anyone.

“Find out did you?”

She curled her lip into a sneer, “no. Who are you?”

“Why don’t we play the guessing game? I already know that you know, that I am an escapee from Azkaban.”

“Well duh,” she said in a sarcastic manner, rolling her eyes.

The man chuckled, “got to love that wit.” He began massaging her shoulders deeply as his hands began to move lower on her back.

“You are pushing it,” she snarled through gritted teeth.

“I was wondering why I have not been blasted into these bookshelves by now, with your amazing telekinetic powers.”

“I am trying to use the situation to an advantage so you will become relaxed and I then I will take you back to Azkaban Mr. Malfoy.” She grinned as his hands stopped momentarily and started back up again. Taking one of his hands off her waist, she held it as if it was the most putrid that she had ever touched and turned to face him. “Yes, I noticed by your… forward behavior and that put a tilt to the tables. You are the only one that would approach me in a fifty foot radius if you knew that they could certainly throw you back into prison.”

“You know me too well Wade,” he purred, as he looked her in the eyes. Amber’s emerald eyes were cold and his reflection was seen in them, not penetrating through.

“A little too well for my liking.” She said through gritted teeth and dropped his finger in which she had been peeling off of her.

“Oh come now, I know you enjoy a good hunt. Gets you excited when searching for something and I do revel in it when you use your weapons, not only your telekinesis, but your swords.” He purred once again as a distasteful grimace spread over her face. She slapped the book on her right palm, showing him that she was not amused but quite annoyed. When she looked off to the side, he lounged at her and pinned her against the towering bookshelves.

“What the hell!” She squealed as he pegged her hips to the wood with his. He grinned and started to smell her hair as he held her wrists with one hand. She tried to escape his viper like grip and she growled as she looked into his eyes, wishing she could burn him into ashes.

“Tsk, tsk… You cannot do anything, this is not how an Auror is supposed to be.” He exclaimed, caressing her cheek with the back of his hand. She turned her face away from his hand and quickly turned back. “Change your mind did you?” He said smoothly.

“Sure I did,” she said sarcastically. It looked as if he was about to kiss her when she tilted her head back to look up at him and then she spat in his face.

He threw her to the ground and pointed his wand at her, “silencio.”

Amber’s eyes grew wide, trying to figure out what he was going to do and she tried to curse at him but nothing came out of her mouth. He chuckled lightly, shaking his head as he approached her while she scrambled to her feet. “What’s wrong Wade? Weakened because you can’t do anything? That’s understandable, you were never able to do anything to us while we were one on one.” He grinned as she backed into the railing and looked at him with pure loathing. “Oh come now. Don’t be like that, I know you like me. That is fathomable.”

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