13: Raining on The Parade

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Around noon, that same day, Remus woke. No longer feeling a loving warmth beside him as he tossed. He shifted his hand under the sheets, desperately searching for the one he slumbered with, however upon his finding was only a piece of parchment on the pillow beside him.


I hated to leave you before you woke, but you looked so peaceful beside me that I couldn’t bring myself to wake you. It was hard for me to depart your loving arms around my waist, however I was called by the Ministry and couldn’t ignore it. Considering I was off for two months, how could I say no? It was something important and had to leave A.S.A.P. I’ll be over when I can get away.

XXX Love,


He smiled and sighed, wishing she were there with him and just then, a tinge of fear perked up in his drowsy nerves. Afraid of the reason why she had been called away in the first place, for he knew she was one of the more distinguished Aurors, which only meant that it was something serious. His fingers nervously tapped the parchment sheet as he pondered on the subject and as normal people, thinking of the worst that could happen. Just then, the door-cracked open, squeaking only momentarily before the person entering, silenced it. He recognized the slender body and the sparkling raven colored hair of Amber’s.

She slowly closed the bedroom door, hoping she would not wake him. Sliding her cloak off her shoulders, she laid it over the desk chair and proceeded to slip off her robe. “Hey,” he said behind her. She turned quickly and smiled, seeing him propped up against the pillows again.

“Well good afternoon.” She sat on the edge of the bed, bent over, untied the laces and slipped her boots off. The bed sunk behind her and the hair on her neck was brushed away. His lips brushed over the skin on her bare shoulder and between her shoulder blades. His hands slipped around her bare waist and she was pulled further onto the bed.

“Do you always wear such things to the Ministry when you’re working?” He asked, looking down at her. She was wearing a white low v-neck tank top and hip hugging jeans that exposed her flat stomach.

She shrugged, “I was in a hurry. I practically sprinted to my flat, grabbed the first piece of clothing that I laid my hands on and viola.”

He continued to stare into her eyes and she blushed, “well?”

“Well what?” He asked, his hand stroking her cheek.

“Are you going to kiss me?” She grinned.

He smiled brightly, lent over and covered her lips with his. Unexpectedly, she grabbed hold of his wrist and using her weight, she flipped him over onto his stomach. She scrambled to stay on top of him, “what are you doing?” He asked as he turned his neck to catch her out of the corner of his eye.

Her fingers touched his back, slowly kneading his skin with her hands and digging to reach his tense muscles. “Since you will transform in approximately thirty four and a half hours, I want to give you a massage. You know, to loosen your muscles so the change won’t be too harsh.”

“It will always hurt,” he mumbled.

“Well, you are lucky that I read up on werewolves.” She continued to rub his back muscles.

“And when did you do this?” He asked, resting his head on a pillow with his arms spread.

“I did it a couple years ago when I started training to become an Auror. Reading up on stuff that I could and possibly would come in contact no doubt. I read a paragraph that said something like – being tense only makes the matter worse or the pain. However if the victim was more relaxed then it wouldn’t be as bad as other transformations are. So, I thought, why not try something?”

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