32: A Plan in Action

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She opened the door, a look of panic written over her face, “I don’t know where she is!” gasped the mediwitch. Madame Pomphrey’s hand trembled as she continued to clutch the two vials of potion shakily. “She-she was laying on the bed one minute and the next – she – she’s gone!”

A middle-aged man with sandy blonde hair, golden, brown eyes and shabby, patched robes pushed himself away from the wall. “Poppy?” Remus looked hard at the older woman, trying to understand what had her so distraught. “We only just placed her in your care, not fifteen minutes ago, how could she be gone?” He asked in an evenly calm voice.

“Amber, is not there Remus. She’s not in the hospital wing anymore,” Madame Pomphrey whispered, looking down at the potions.

Remus jogged into the room and stood next to the bed that he had laid Amber down to rest. His hands swept over the sheets, then tore them from the bed and moved his palms over every inch of mattress, hoping that it had to be the result of an invisibility cloak or a concealment charm. Upon feeling nothing but the sheets and bed, his body stiffened and he stood, running his hands through his hair. He took a deep breath and made his way out into the hallway where everyone gathered.

“Severus is testing the potion that he found in her goblet. Maybe he can explain,” Professor McGonagall said, clasping her hands in front of her.

“Someone took her,” Remus commented, running another hand through his hair. He strode through the corridors, finding his way to the dungeons by memory and entered the Potion’s classroom. Carrying on, he walked through Severus’ office and ended up in the private lab. “It’s O’Brien.” Remus stated clearly, voicing his accusation to Severus and Dumbledore.

“Yes, we thought as much,” Severus sneered, not bothering to look up from the cauldron.

“The only thing that I don’t understand is why you are still here?” Remus asked in an overly calm tone, slowly stepping further into the room. Professor Dumbledore walked in front of Remus, separating Severus and the cauldron from Remus.

“Please elaborate for him Headmaster. It seems that he has not cotton on.”

“Remus,” Dumbledore held a hand at chest level. “Why would Severus not be here?”

Clenching fists, Remus took a deep breath and closed his eyes. “She is gone,” he forced.

With his dragon gloved hands balanced the rim of the cauldron, Severus lifted his head and replied, “who is gone?”

“Amber,” he spoke quietly. “She has been taken, I don’t understand how—”

“Are you sure you are not jumping to conclusions, my boy?” Dumbledore interrupted.

“Sir, we left her in the hospital wing for Poppy to tend to and just a moment ago, she rushed out of the door in panic. She stated it herself, Amber is gone.” Remus ground out, his hands shaking uncontrollably as his temper began to rise.

Dumbledore watched his Defense Against the Dark Arts teacher with a careful eye, “Remus, maybe you should take a seat? Try to calm yourself.” He reached to place a hand on Remus’ shoulder, however he shied away from his touch, and the carotid in Remus’ neck pulsed prominently. A thin layer of sweat shined over his brow and the Headmaster looked at the younger man with concern.

Holding up a hand, “please… just do not touch me… right now.” His voice was deep and raspy, trying to speak as steady as possible.

“Will you tell me what is wrong?”

“The full moon—”

“—isn’t for a couple of days.” Severus scoffed with his head still hovering over the cauldron.

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