2: If You Want An Answer- Ask

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In eleven days time, Snape was back to his old routine; making the teenagers life miserable, doing his usual assignments for the Order of the Phoenix and rarely meeting with the Lord Voldemort.

"We have asked over one hundred times Ron! I don't think once more will do any good!" Hermione Granger yelled across the kitchen table of Number Twelve Grimmauld Place.

"Hermione it's worth a try, anyway we're not getting anywhere with Snape. Remember when we asked him yesterday? He almost cursed us to Kalamazoo - if it wasn't for Dumbledore who knows what he would have done. Damn git, can't ever be civil for a second, has to be his sneering, cranky, touchy self. Can't we try someone else?" Ron Weasley said as he took a bite of his sandwich.

"I've tried. Not even Remus knows this woman, so the only people that I know of are Dumbledore and Snape. You saw that look on Snapes face a week and a half ago when he saw that woman, he knows exactly who she is. However I don't think he'll budge. I can't think of anything else to do." Hermione said as she stirred the contents of her teacup.

After a few moments of deep thought she sighed, "I wonder how Harry's doing."

Ron looked up from his lunch with a wrathful look upon his face as he thought of Harry's family treating him horribly, "probably treating him like a slave - dreadful I suspect."

"RON! Don't say that," she put her hand to her face and gasped. After a few moments of reassuring herself she spoke up softly with somber filled eyes, "do you think?"

"I really don't know what to answer with Hermione, I'm no Professor Trelawney." He took a gulp of butterbeer, "he hasn't replied to any of our letters since the beginning of summer vacation, well maybe the first one but no more than that. Hey, I just had an idea. Hermione why don't you write him again."

She blushed furiously at his words, "but Ron, I already wrote him today and erm - yesterday."

He rolled his eyes, "and the day before that, before that and before-

"SO!" She stopped him as she her face began to lighten and an innocent smile crept upon her lips. "I - I only want to keep him updated, you know - so he doesn't feel as if we - we're keeping things from him. Is there anything I haven't told him?"

"Well," he looked up to the ceiling as he thought and then his face brightened up. "Have you told him about our mystery woman yet?" He shoved the rest of the sandwich in his mouth.

"Ooh!" She squeaked and dashed out of the kitchen with Ron shaking his head with a good-hearted smirk.

"What was she all excited about?" Ginny asked while walking in to the kitchen.

"H - err - ine - riting - awry," he mumbled with his mouth full.

"Again? I swear that girl'll go nuts if Harry doesn't get here soon," she picked an apple out of the bowl of fruit and sniffed it.

Ron looked at her as if she was growing a second head, "what are you doing? Is it going to attack?"

"Fred and George visited yesterday and they brought some new gadgets." She shrugged her shoulders and bit into it, "arg!" Ron pointed and laughed at her as the apple refused to release her teeth.

Just then Remus strolled into the room, looking as bad as ever and chuckled when he noticed Ginny fighting with the piece of fruit. "Ah, I see you are a victim of Weasley's Wizarding Wheezey's test products." He walked over to Ginny, pulled out his wand and tapped it. The apple quickly ceased and fell to the floor. "There you are, saved from the man - eating edible pulpy mass."

"Thanks Remus," Ginny said and kicked the traitorous apple across the floor.

"Ron, where's Hermione?" Remus asked.

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