27: Nightmares and Kisses

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Dismal faces surrounded her, all dawning the same attire, black robes and tear stained faces. The women wore veils as they cried and some dazed into black spaces. The men held sorrowful expressions, holding back their own emotions to stay strong as they embraced and comforted the women. Amber glanced around and spotted a group of people lined along a table. Making her way towards them a familiar face looked away, tears rolling down her cheeks and an agonizing wail emitting from her. “Mrs. Weasley!” Amber gasped.

However Mrs. Weasley did not hear her then Mr. Weasley stepped beside his wife and escorted her away from the table. More people she knew turned and walked away as she approached the crowd; Bill, Charlie, Ron, Hermione, Ginny and then Tonks. Amber searched their faces as pain and suffering appeared in their eyes. Stepping closer, a pair of shoed feet emerged from in front of the crowd, laying on the surface of the table. Amber then recognized the backs of three people of the remaining four, Dumbledore, Severus and Harry. A woman stood in front of them, Severus’ hands clutched on her shoulders and her arm was wrapped around Harry as he sobbed onto her shoulder. Her back was hunched and her shoulders jerked sporadically. Her cries were soft until a heart-wrenching moan escaped her.

Amber continued forward slowly and around the table, her eyes set on the people before her. Her breath caught in her throat when a very pregnant version of herself came into view. Her eyes quickly darted to the occupied table and squeaked, backing away from the table. Her hands started waving as if trying to wipe the scene away. His face was pale, however he looked perfectly fine. The image seeped into her mind as she started to scream, “REMUS!”

It has been three days since the attack on Hogwarts and although the damage was minor, Dumbledore knew it was a warning. No students were harmed because of Amber’s early notification, however there were a few casualties belonging to both the Order and Death Eaters.

Amber was placed in her bedroom to rest after she was attacked while fighting Bellatrix and Remus was taken to the infirmary.

“Albus, what was the blue light that emitted from Amber?” Severus asked, looking down at her sleeping form. Her face was scratched but other than that, she was healthy.

“Sadly, I do not have an answer for you Severus. However the blue orb that surrounded her may have saved hers as well as your grandchild’s life.” Dumbledore regarded him. “You said that when she noticed the curse flying at her, she screamed, covered her head and that’s when the blue light encircled her?”

Severus nodded, “yes. As soon as the curse hit the orb, it vibrated and the curse disappeared, then a moment later the orb faded. Was it some sort of barrier?”

“I have not seen this magic from her before, I don’t think she is the one possessing it. She merely tapped into it.”

“You’re saying that she tapped into her child’s magic and used it?” Questioned Severus, raising an eyebrow.

Dumbledore gazed down at Amber, “she could have. There is no way for us to be sure, however if she did, she could be invincible while she is pregnant.”

“Sir that is highly unlikely and you know that.”

The headmaster nodded, “you are right. Maybe she can deflect only a certain power of curses, I doubt it will be able to repel the Killing Curse.” He frowned and suddenly Amber started to stir.

Tears streamed from her eyes and as she started to thrash around, she screamed. “REMUS! NO! NOT HIM! IT CAN’T BE!”

Severus rushed to her side and seized her arms, “Amber it’s a nightmare. Wake up!”

Her eyes opened and they stared, panic written over her face. Abruptly, she shoved Severus off with all the strength that she held and tumbled out of bed. Her breathing was shallow and sounded as if she was hyperventilating. She was mumbling things, “not him—not Remus—I can’t do this without him—it’s not true—I’m hallucinating—he’s dead—what am I going to do—REMUS!” She wailed, slowly descending to the floor and she hit the carpet. She was crying uncontrollably as tears drained from her redden eyes and she wrapped her arms around herself.

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