15: Birthdays and Deatheaters

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“Everyone be quiet!” Mrs. Weasley hissed to the crowd around her. “They’ll be here in a moment!”

“Molly,” Amber said, before accidentally bumping into someone in the pitch-black room. “Oh, sorry Arthur. Molly, it’s all right, Harry has no idea we planned this. We didn’t even tell Ron, so there was no way he could know, unless he uses his brain.”

“I know, but it’s the boys sixteenth birthday and we all want is for this to go well.”

“It will, we were very secretive. We could pass as Unspeakables,” Amber said sarcastically.

“I don’t know about that.”

“Shh! You two, I hear someone!” Bill whispered urgently from the door. “Get ready!”

Slowly, the entrance door opened, causing a stream of sunlight to pour through, cutting the darkness. “Why is it dark?” They heard Harry whisper.

Suddenly the drapes over the windows disappeared and a large crowd in the room roared, “SURPRISE! HAPPY BIRTHDAY HARRY!”

Harry gaped wide-eyed at the many people surrounding him, the group tightened around him, trying to give him a slap on the back or kiss on his cheek. A voice rose above all others, “out of the way! Got to get to my little cousin!” Harry smiled, once recognizing Amber’s voice and she finally came into view. Her hair had white streaks scattered throughout her messy ponytail with tendrils sticking out in places and she wore khaki hip hugging pants and a forest green T-shirt. Once she spotted him, she squealed and shoved through the crowd.

“Harry! Happy Birthday!” She said, embracing him and kissing his cheek. “Sweet sixteen huh?”

He nodded, “yep. What’d you do to your hair?”

“That’s the first thing you noticed? You don’t like it?” She said sarcastically, pouting her lip. “Nevermind, Dora did it. I let her have her fun, but you’re lucky I didn’t let her dress me today.”

He nodded.

“Now come on over here. You’ve got plenty of friends that want to see you,” she put her arm around him and led him over to the middle of the floor. “Here they are!”

“Harry! Great to see you!” Neville Longbottom said brightly as he approached him.

“Neville, what’d your grandmother do to you?” Harry asked, looking him up and down. Indeed, what did Mrs. Longbottom do to her grandson?

“Eh, after what happened at the end of last year – you know. She was actually ecstatic about me doing something that dangerous and she let me join a Quidditch League. Nothing big.”

Harry nodded and took his hand, shaking it vigorously as Neville slapped him on the back. “Happy Birthday Harry.”

Fred and George charged through the crowd with Lee Jordan on their heels, “Look what we’ve got here George.”

“Yes, Harry Potter is sixteen years old. Lee, don’t you think we should give him a spectacular display?”

Lee nodded, “naturally, what would a birthday be without the best?”

With a wave of George’s wand, fireworks exploded through the air, a large assortment of colors and designs filled the room to the ceiling. As if on cue, music started vibrating through the place.

Amber left Harry’s side, knowing he would want to catch up with his friends and searched the floor for Remus. There was no use calling for him due to the loud music and groups of teenagers singing along with the recording. The lights dimmed and were replaced with flashing reds, blues, greens, yellows and a large disco ball hanging overhead. Amber shook her head and continued to scan the room, however to no avail, she couldn’t find him. She frowned and was suddenly twirled around on her heel, to meet face to face with Charlie.

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