35: True Colours

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The next couple of days passed by quickly for Amber. Each day consisted of, feeding Andrew, eating, and sleeping. She did not know why she was she tired but for some reason, sleep was the only answer. Until one day, Severus told her of the potion she was given…something…what was the name? She couldn’t remember. Anyhow, he mentioned it’s purpose and Amber was not surprised at all. The potion given to her was a sedative that diminished one’s powers severely and caused drowsiness. Although it had decreased her powers, it left her telepathy and she was able to communicate with Severus and occasionally sooth Andrew during the night. Although Severus was able to use Legilmency to read her thoughts openly, he thought she deserved what little dignity the Death Eaters left her.

Over the course of time, Bickerson had been to see both of them regularly, evidently Voldemort was a tad desperate to make sure this plan worked. The Healer told her that Andrew was in perfect health and when she told Amber that hers was as well, there was a scowl on her face.

A week and a half passed since Andrew was born and Amber was called to meet with the Dark Lord. “Wake up,” a cool voice woke her from slumber.

Amber blinked slowly, her eyes gradually focused on the figure before her and startled when she saw the familiar white-blonde locks. “Go away,” she growled, inching away from the door as she scrambled and searched for something that she could not find. “Where is he!” Still she could not find Andrew in the darkened room and she nearly tripped over her feet due to her drowsiness.

“Someone took him while you were asleep.”

“How could someone touch him? He would never let anyone come near him,” she fretted with her hands in her hair.

“Professor Snape took him.”

“Prof—Draco?” Amber said softly, knowing that no one else would call Severus by such a formal name.

“Yes,” He nodded, walking closer and finally, lighting his wand.

“Why are you here?” She hissed, angry that he had not listened to her after the Christmas Ball during the winter.

His eyes were cold and stone, practiced just like his father with the same superior arrogance. “There are only two weeks of school left and the Dark Lord called upon me.”

“Draco… you didn’t….”

He shook his head, “no. Not until after school is over for me, I am to recruit students for the Dark Lord.”

Amber shivered, his tone was believable, and he showed no form of gentleness on his face. “Where has Severus taken Andrew?”

“From what I’ve heard, he’s with your son in the presence of the Dark Lord.”

“What!” Amber gasped, her hands now clutching the steel bars, the sluggishness suddenly gone. Releasing her hold, she slowly walked back to the bed and sat down.

“The Dark Lord wishes to see you, it’s time,” Draco said as he opened the door with a few flicks of his wand. He walked in and helped her stand, letting her shift her weight onto him. His eyes darted to the door and quickly settled on his feet, the reserved façade was gone. Only the nervous boy Amber knew at Hogwarts. “Has he been treating you well?” He whispered softly, his eyes repeatedly shifting to the door.

“He? By he, you mean Voldemort?”

“No, my…my father.”

He watched as her brows furrowed and eyes squinted in concentration.

“What has he done?” His tone was solid, filled with mixed turmoil and his body tensed beneath her hands.

“Well, I really haven’t seen much of him.” Amber murmured. She could not remember seeing him since their first meeting when she arrived at this place, however she might have saw him.

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