28: Voldy's Got A Plan and 'Houston, We Have A Problem'

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The room was dark, lit by only four torches on the stonewalls. A tall man stood on a platform in the center of the room, his robes as dark as night and eyes of the devil. His skin was as white as a bleached sheet, hollow dips in his face, looking as if his skin was merely laid over the bone and all muscle was forgotten. His long, spider like fingers tapped the pages of a book, his crimson eyes spilling over the pages as he reveled in the plan that was going to succeed his destiny. A destiny of life to rule the world, have all bow down at his feet, all pureblooded wizards free to do as criminal acts as they please and the inferior blood that ran through many bodies on the Earth would either be executed or taken as slaves. Either way, he didn’t care. The spell and potion was difficult to make but his followers would find every component that these pages called for. Then once and for all, Harry Potter would cease to exist.

“Master, he is here.” A voice broke the silence, offering a low bow in praise.

“Bring him in, I would like to see how he has turned out.” Lord Voldemort hissed into the dark.

A man in dark blue robes walked assertively toward the podium and with a wicked glint in his eyes, he bowed. “Dark Lord, I am—”

“I know perfectly well who you are and I am proud to see that you have made it through.”

The young man inclined his head, “it was rather trying at times, however I survived. The Muggle World is completely hopeless.”

“Indeed, now enough small talk. What information have you collected, my son?” The Dark Lord walked off the podium and stood face to face with the stranger.

“I have many things that might help you in more ways than one. I hope that you will be very pleased.”

“My dear boy, I am always pleased with your work. Unlike many of the dribbling fools who serve me, can’t get one bloody thing right. Can’t even kill a simple Auror.”

“If you take a look at this parchment I have here, I have taken many notes that might interest you.” The stranger slipped a long roll of parchment out of his robes and handed it to his master.

Lord Voldemort untied the twine around the roll, letting it drop to the ground and opened the parchment. His eyes skimmed over the neat handwriting, finding things that could well be in his favor and could turn against him if he did not strategize quickly. A low chuckled emitted from deep in his throat, “this is perfect. However we have very little time to act so this will have to be mistake free.”

“What were you planning on starting with sir?” The young man inquired.

“Possibility that she is due in May? Hmm… I need her blood as well as the child’s and if Wormtail was smart enough, he saved the dagger with Potter’s blood. Which I highly doubt is possible, so you may need to do some extra work.”

“Anything for you my Lord.” He bowed his head.

“Except one thing.”

“What is that?”

“Don’t get mixed up with that Auror.”

The young mans eyes flashed in the torchlight, “indeed I won’t my Lord.”

“You better not my son, for your sake.”

“What are you doing?” Amber asked curiously as she sat on the loveseat, beside Remus. He was holding an orb of blue fire on his palm and reading a book in the other.

“Reading,” he said simply, still keeping his attention on the book.

Amber pursed her lips to one side and ran a hand through her hair, letting it fall into her face. Remus glanced up at her, he smiled as she gazed at him with her one open eye. She raised her hand and scratched her collarbone. His eyes grew to a soft golden amber and he quirked an eyebrow. Realizing she was wearing one of his sky blue shirts, leaving the first few buttons undone and a pair of navy blue sweat pants.

“Did you run out of shirts to wear?” He asked, closing his book and letting the fire in his hand dissipate. She maybe be wearing his shirt but he didn’t mind, he loved it when she wore his clothes, because she made them seem not as tattered.

She planted her elbow on the back cushion of the loveseat and rested her chin on the palm of her hand. “No, these just smell good and are more comfortable. We’re going to have to get some maternity clothes, since I will probably tear anything I try to push into.”

He nodded and grinned, “they smell good huh?”

“Mmhmm…” she mumbled, now leaning her head back and onto the cushion. She stared blankly at the wall and closed her eyes. Feeling his fingers caress her cheek, they moved along her temple and then comb through her hair. She sighed in content and felt the weight on the couch shift. Opening her eyes, she found him in the same position as she was; one leg hanging over the side with the other bent, facing him. His knee was touching hers and she noticed the love blazing in his eyes. He continued to venture her skin with his hands, placing tender pressure on her. They continued downward to her neck, following the sensual curves of her collarbone and then further down the middle of her chest, not touching anything but the shirt.

“Such a gentleman,” Amber smirked.

His eyes flicked up to hers as he paid special attention to her stomach, she smiled softly, knowing how giddy he had been since Christmas, and now it was the end of January.

Amber reflected back to last week when Madame Pomphrey have her a check up during Remus’ free period. She had waited anxiously all day until Remus was free because he wanted to be there.


“Alright, lay down flat on the bed, on your back of course,” Madame Pomphrey instructed.

Amber did as she was told, dressed in a white gown that traveled to her knees and buttoned in the front. Remus held Amber’s hand, waiting patiently beside her as he sat on a bare, wooden chair.

Madame Pomphrey released a few buttons near Amber’s middle an revealed a very round stomach. “I feel fat,” Amber laughed.

“You’re ravishing,” Remus soothed her, leaning over and kissing her gently.

Madame Pomphrey slowly waved her wand and an object materialized over Amber’s stomach. It was identical to a screen of a Muggle television but much clearer. It was shown in black and white, and the middle section of the image was moving, shifted positions.

“Is that—” Remus pointed, his mouth agape.

Madame Pomphrey nodded with a soft smile, “that’s your baby,” she did another series of wand movements and many symbols started to pop around the screen. “Your baby is healthy and due around the middle of May, around the twentieth. Would you like to know the gender?” She asked, holding her wand in the air, ready to perform the wand sequence.

Amber glanced at Remus but he was still fixed on the image, “no. I think we want to be surprised.” She replied.

“Alright,” Madame Pomphrey said. Her eyes scanned the symbols, changing every few seconds and a slight crease appeared on her forehead.

Amber tensed, unconsciously squeezing Remus’ hand tighter, “what is it?”

Madame Pomphrey blinked then regarded the to be parents, “sorry dear. I didn’t mean to give you a fright. It’s nothing to get flustered about. It’s just your blood pressure is a bit over normal, it could cause premature labor though.”

Amber bit her lip and Remus asked, “is there something we can do to make sure that doesn’t happen?”

The matron patted their intertwined hands, “just relax. It’s probably because you are an Auror nad you tend to worry so much.”

“You’re saying I’m a worry wart?” Amber accused.

“No, no dear. You don’t need to get yourself worked up, try counting to ten if something bothers you.”

“I doubt she’d get to four before the paintings and chandeliers start shaking,” Remus commented.

Amber flashed him a phony smile and dug her fingernails into the palm of his hand. Remus winked and took the pain…

End of flashback!

Remus unbuttoned the bottom half of his shirt and reached in with his calloused hands to stroke her smooth stomach. Amber sighed, closing her eyes again and started to massage the thigh on his bad leg. She kneaded the muscle gently, knowing the exact pressure that soothed the ache.

He pressed his lips against her skin, then he suddenly felt something move beneath his face and she gasped. He lifted his face away and her hand resumed the spot where his lips had touched. Remus looked up to her, her eyes were bright and misty. She squeaked and grasped his hand with lightning speed to place it on the spot. “Remus…do you feel it? Hmm?” She asked him, her eyes twinkling. “Do you feel our baby?”

They stayed silent for a moment and then he laughed merrily, pressing his cheek to feel the baby move better. “That’s amazing!”

Amber beamed and she started to move uncomfortably. Remus lifted his face and raised an eyebrow, “something wrong,” in a worried tone.

“Just using my organs as punching bags.”

He rubbed her belly, hoping to in some way sooth her. She raised her hand and caressed his arm lovingly, thinking of how blessed the she was to have such a caring man in her life. Tugging lightly on his arm, he leaned forward and met her lips in a slow passionate kiss. He moved her backward, letting her head rest and her hand moved to his cheek. Feeling his tongue on her bottom lip, she moaned and opened mouth to him. He lost his hand in her hair as she ran her hands along his torso, feeling the taught muscles through the fabric and resting a hand on his belt. His kissed down her neck, slowly devouring her skin as she tilted her head to the side, catching her breath and letting him to touch her most sensitive skin. Then with his finger, he tilted her head back to face him, their eyes connecting, and their breath erratic. She said it so wistful and innocently that he nearly groaned. “Make love to me Remus. Please?”

Did she really need to ask him? Did she need to add a plea? It made it all the sweeter as he gracefully slid off the couch and picked her up into his arms. Her eyes were softer than he had ever seen them, they were hazy, an opaque emerald. He thought that motherhood might have something to do with it and the life inside of her that had only just shown itself today.

Walking down the hall, she kissed his neck the way he had done to her and he growled once she started to nibble on his earlobe. He nudged the door open to their bedroom and kicked it shut, incase any unwanted visitors decided to step in to say hi. He gently laid her on the bed and as he started to come closer, she put a hand to his chest. “Wait,” she said softly. He looked at her curiously as a delightful grin spread over her full lips. “Just wait one moment.” She crawled off the bed and walked to the bureau. She opened the drawer, pulled out some kind of fabric and kept it behind her as she made her way to the bathroom.

After changing, she opened the door to find Remus leaning against the backboard and already down to his boxers. The darkness in the room shadowed her body as she made her way into the light of the candles. He caught a glimpse of the silky lingerie that she was wearing and sat up curiously. The lingerie top flowed beautifully as she crawled on the bed to meet his desirous hands, yearning for the touch of the woman he loves. His hands met her shoulders and he continued to sit in his position against the headboard. He guided her onto his lap, her knees squeezing his hips and slightly rubbing on his arousal.

Remus reveled in the feeling of her fuller stomach touching his bare torso, he loved the way her soft lips moved against his, the way her tongue massaged his and most of the all… the way she loved him. Her eyes closed and her lips parted as he kissed her neck and rubbed her back. Her hands found their way into his thick locks, massaging his scalp and in a long caress, she stroked his chest. His hands slipped underneath the lingerie, gliding over her back to her stomach, feeling the slight stretch marks and taking the cloth between his fingertips, lifted the material off her.

As he sucked on her collarbone, she gradually rocked back and forth on his lap, feeling his desire pulse into her. His groans were becoming more frequent and his hands took hold of her bottom, making her movements more forceful and pressured. The friction made them both pant, Amber let her head roll back and moaned. Remus took her head in his hands and leveled it, taking her lips avidly. Slowly, he leaned forward and assisted her to lying down. A whispered word that Remus missed, slipped from between her lips and he glanced down, finding that his boxers were no longer around his hips. He raised an eyebrow at this and looked into her glistening eyes. She shrugged with a naughty grin on her swollen lips in which he soon devoured.

His skin gleamed with sweat and she was sure that hers did as well. When his eyes opened, she found them blazing golden and she smiled, lifting her hand to touch his sweet face. She wished that she could hold him in her arms, hold him close to her heart, however that wasn’t possible because a little gift that their loving brought into their lives.

Remus bent down, as she propped herself on her elbows and kissed her tenderly. She pulled the sheet over his back, probably aware of the slight chill in the air and suddenly the door to their bedroom was thrown open. There was a gasp and a stutter from the stranger.

Not knowing that Remus held such agility in his body; moved away, covered her body completely with the sheets and comforter and slipped his arms into a robe that was on a chair from across the room. Amber was barely able to see him, he was only a shadow gliding around the room, and she quickly turned her head to see the intruder. She grabbed her wand on the bedside table and held it close. Her heart racing quicker than a moment ago, fear seized her lungs and she felt a slight pain.

The light from Remus’ wand filled the room, his robe wrapped and tied messily over his body with his hair incredibly disheveled. He stood in front of the bed in a defensive position, ready to protect his love with a dangerous light in his eyes. However his defensive stance slackened and he let his arm fall to his side. “Harry,” he sighed out of aggravation and relief.

The teenage boy stood there in his bathrobe and green pinstriped pajamas, a completely baffled expression over his face. He glanced at Remus then over to the bed and groaned. He put his arms in front of his face and turned his back to them. “Merlin I’m sorry – I should have knocked – I should have – I didn’t mean to – it was just—”

Remus gave Amber a sidelong glance and she nodded, silently telling him to go to Harry, not letting the sharp pain show on her face. He nodded in return, fixing his robes and hair to make himself look at least somewhat presentable. Remus left the bedroom, putting a hand on Harry’s shoulder and closing the bedroom door behind them.

Amber fell back onto the pillow, a strangled sigh escaping her and she gasped for air once she felt the pain again. This is not good, definitely not good, not good at all! She thought. The pain hit her again, realizing it was coming from her abdomen and below. “No,” she gasped out of fear and panic. “No, not now. It’s too early!” She whispered harshly, tears slowly falling from her eyes and knuckles turning white as she tugged on the bed sheet.

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