18: Happiness Can Be Found In The Darkest of Moments- Part One

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“AMBER!” Somebody yelled downstairs, at the foot of her stairs of her flat.

She tossed in her bed, pulling a pillow over of her head, which was followed by the covers. “WHAT!” She groaned, still half asleep.

“We’re going to get our things for school! Day after tomorrow we have to leave for King’s Cross and we haven’t had time to go and—”

“ALRIGHT HERMIONE! You are not going to miss the train, you have plenty of time because it’s ten o’clock in the morning two days before you leave so don’t get your knickers in a twist!” Amber yelled from under her pillow, slamming her fists into her mattress. Suddenly she heard footsteps race up the stairs leading to her bedroom and somebody leapt onto her bed. Their hands clamped onto her sides and began tickling her. Amber squealed, trying to flee from the pair of hands, “Harry! This is not the best way to wake me!” Amber shrieked. She could hear his laughter as she scrambled away from him on the queen sized bed as the quilts and sheets continued to twist around her. When tears started to creep out of the corners of her eyes, she growled and jumped Harry, trying to pin his arms to the bed. Her eyes grew wide as he pushed against her, overpowering her strength with his and she realized that Mrs. Weasley did bulk him up with her cooking. “Bloody…hell – how did you get so strong?” She forced out as Harry moved onto his knees, defeating her easily. Finally, she let go and Harry pushed her down onto the bed.

He raised his eyebrows, “do you give up?”

Amber scowled at him, “I never quit or give up.”

“So what about Remus? Will you give up on him?”

Something tugged inside of her, causing her face to fall, “it’s not the same.” She looked away from him.

“It’s exactly the same,” he said as Hermione came in and sat on the edge of the bed.

Amber turned her face back to him and whispered, “I wasn’t the one that gave up.”

“Erm… Come on Harry, let her up. We’ve got to get going,” Hermione said. “Ginny and Ron are downstairs waiting.”

Amber descended the stairs in Harry and Hermione’s wake. Once she reached the bottom of the stairs, she turned the corner and found Ron, Ginny and Remus seated around the sitting room. Without stopping Amber about-faced and started back the way she came until Harry and Hermione gave her a stern look and shoved her back into the room. She pushed against them until she flailed her arms and gave up, stumbling back into the room.

Remus looked up from the Daily Prophet he was reading to switch his attention to the rustling he had heard earlier from the bedroom to find Amber red faced, standing by the entrance to the sitting room. She looked upset and slightly uneasy as she scratched her arm unconsciously. He took a deep breath, feeling as if this day was going to be harder than any other and suddenly a scent filled his nostrils. He had to restrain himself from moaning as Harry and Hermione pushed Amber into the room. She nervously glared at the two as they smiled mischievously at her.

“Alright,” Amber sighed, her eyes focused on the painting above the mantel. “How are we going?”

Remus pushed off the recliner, set the Daily Prophet on the cushion and pulled a cracked plastic cup out of his robes. He tapped it and looked up at them, “port key of course.”

They landed in front of the Apothecary and Amber said, “where to start?” She said bemused.

Hermione looked at her, sort of concerned and said, “how about the Apothecary? We’re here anyway and I’m sure we need to restock our supply instead of taking midnight trips to Snape’s private stock like he always accuses us of doing.”

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