25: Use Your Inner Eye

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“What’s going on Remus?” Amber giggled as Remus led her out of the castle with a handkerchief over her eyes. His hand pressed against her lower back and the other held onto her hand, guiding her. It was cold out, however there wasn’t any wind to burn their faces and the snow trickled over them. “Remus? You are my Remus aren’t you?” She giggled.

With his head bent near her ear, he chuckled, making her shiver with excitement. “The one and only m’dear. I have a surprise for you. The Headmaster said you were interrupted before and you were so excited.”

Amber’s smile brightened, trying to remind herself to thank Dumbledore later for not going into detail with Remus and not telling him that he is a father to be. She sighed at the thought, when Tonks told her how thrilled Remus would be and she tilted back to lean against him. Lost in her thoughts, Remus slowed her to a stop and rubbed her shoulders, “here we are.” He said in a light tone and began to untie the knot out of the handkerchief. When it fell off her face, she opened her eyes and was greet by a chestnut mare and the trio standing beside it. Hermione gently pulled a brush through its’ mane and Ron and Harry were stroking the thick sheen coat.

“I’ve been wanting to – for so long I’ve – I haven’t ridden one in a—” Amber stammered as she stared longingly at the horse.

“The saddle’s ready, as is the bridle. All you need to do is get on her,” Remus said as he walked Amber over to the mare.

Shaking herself out of shock, she took the reins from Harry and lifted them over the horses’ head. Lifting one foot, she slipped it into the stirrup, grabbed hold of the horn on the saddle, hopped and mounted the horse. Abruptly the animal started to stir, moving forward and back as Amber held it steady. The smile on her face was bright and her eyes glittered with anticipation. “What’s her name?” She asked quickly.

“Belle,” Hermione answered as she watched Amber on top of the large animal.

Amber leaned over slightly, started to stroke Belles’ neck, and began to whisper gentle words to her.

Remus watched as Amber did this, filled with love and admiration for the young woman. His whole body warmed by the sight and her tenderness.

Squeezing her knees against Belles’ stomach and keeping her weight in the stirrups with her heels pointed downward, she began to get the feeling back. Belle was an energetic one, which was a feature Amber loved about horses and as Belle sidestepped, Amber stayed balanced. Finally with one gentle tap of her heels against Belle, she started forward eagerly at a gallop. The motion always made Amber picture herself on a ship in the oceans, riding the waves, however since she has never been on one, she would have to settle for a horse.

Belles’ hot breath collided with the cold air in large white puffs, snow danced up from beneath her hooves and Amber held the reins in her hands, letting her run full out. Directing her steed back to the group, she hugged herself against the saddle and Belles’ body, letting the air slip by them easily. Upon reaching them, Amber sat up, dug her heels into the stirrups and tugged gently on the reins. Belle reacted just as Amber had wanted, she slowed and without warning, planted her back hooves into the snow as her front hooves continued to pedal until they came to a stop.

Amber caressed Belles’ neck gently, giving her attention in which Amber felt was always important. She leaned forward in the saddle, lifting herself and kissed the warm bristle-like-hair of Belles’ mane. Belle stayed steady as Amber stayed mounted on the saddle and bit down on the metal bit in her mouth. Amber ruffled her mane a bit with a bright smile and glanced at Remus off to the side. The dazzle in his eyes surprised her, seeing it radiate off him as he admired her from below. “Want to come aboard?” She said gently, still stroking Belle.

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