31: A Glimpse Behind the Mask

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The situation became more realistic as the Death Eaters started to make more appearances in places where Amber would be. Although it was a half a month away, she had become quieter as the days pressed on towards her due date. Since there were not many things for a pregnant woman to do in her condition, she primarily stayed confined to her quarters without many people seeing her during the days or nights. However, the only time that she was out of her rooms, she was at Remus’ side, as if she had been glued to his hip. Despite the werewolf’s nature of needing to protect his mate, Remus did not suggest nor force Amber by his side whenever she decided to, but he never of thought her being too clingy. On the contrary, he loved her company at every possible moment.

Surprisingly, David started to come around more often, raising a high suspicion of why he was still in the Wizarding World and not in the Muggle World. The only few who had their suspicions were Harry, Ron, and Hermione, who had voiced their concerns to Remus. He had also wondered about the unexpected return of Amber’s teenage ex-boyfriend and current close friend, but could not see any harmful result in allowing him to associate with Amber. During the times that Amber was not by Remus’ side, David was and Remus could not relieve the anxiety he felt whenever the thought came to mind. His problem was solved when Amber suggested that it was most likely the full moon approaching, which was the week before Amber’s due date. This only made his anxiety decrease slightly.

The untouched tea was perched on her prominent stomach as her fingers brushed over the rim of the teacup. Her eyes gazed into her brown shaded reflection in the cool liquid. David was over and Remus and Severus had classes. Every free moment was spent with the thought of losing her child and young cousin and she hardly paid any attention to a word David was saying.


The young man rose from his seat and eased himself down onto the cushioned loveseat beside Amber. He slowly took the tea from her hands while she watched him as he set it on the coffee table before them. “You really don’t want to hear about my little sister in the ballet performance, do you?” David asked, leaning back with his arms crossed over his chest.

Amber’s eyes widened, “oh David. I’m sorry. Yes, of course I want to hear how Jessie is doing. It’s just I have a few things on my mind. Sorry.”

The right corner of his mouth frowned, “whatever is on your mind, must be pretty important since you didn’t realize that I was only joking with you.”

Amber rubbed her belly, “it is. But I’m not going to let it intrude anymore.”

Raising an eyebrow, David took one of Amber’s hands from her stomach and squeezed it. “Is that what you’re worried about? Is that the problem?”

“Is… what the problem?” She asked, slightly confused.

With her hand still in one of his, he placed it back onto her stomach, “is this the problem?”

She tore her hand out of his as if she had been burnt, “no David. I told you, I love Remus—”

“Yes, yes. I know…” David said quickly with his eyebrows furrowed in frustration. Recovering quickly, he cleared his throat and relaxed his face, “yes Amber. I know that you love…Remus very much, but are you sure this is what you want? I’m not asking you to second guess your relationship with Remus, however you must have realized how quickly the both of you came together and must have thought about what was going to happen. You may not have expected this but…” He then sighed, gently placing a hand on her shoulder and gazed into her eyes. “I don’t want to see you hurt Amber. You are one of my closest and most dearest friends, I don’t want to see you heartbroken.”

Amber gave him a weak smile, his concern was touching and she was glad to have a friend like him. “David, you are right. I have thought about our relationship, but that was months ago—many months ago when I had first heard the news. I know Remus, he would not hurt me in any way whatsoever. He loves me in so many ways and I return his love in any way that I can. I can see it in his eyes, feel it in his touch, sense it is his mind and it’s the most incredible thing in the world. I have never felt this way before David… never and I know Remus is mine and I am his. I know this sounds a bit corny, but I believe that we are meant for eachother, meant to be together always.” As she continued to wait for a response, she was surprised to see something light in her friends blue eyes. It flickered and exploded, however the moment it was there, it was gone within a blink of his eyes.

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