3: An Intriguing Werewolf

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"We could have asked Tonks!" Ron complained as he sat on his bed in his room with Hermione and Ginny. Hermione was barely listening to him, because she was working on her letter to Harry and she wanted to make sure it was meaningful.

"Hermione did you hear me?" Ron said as she tapped the feather of the quill against her nose. "Hermione!"

"Who - what?" she flinched and glanced at both of her friends. "Did somebody say something?"

Ron sighed, "I asked you if this Amber - woman seems familiar to you."

"Yes, I did however I didn't think on it much. There is something about her," she thought for a moment. "I can't figure it out at the moment, but I do feel as if Dumbledore isn't telling us something about her."

"Well of course Hermione, it wouldn't be the first time that he kept something from us."

There was a soft knock on the door, "wotcher Ron, Hermione!"

"Come in Tonks."

She poked her purple spiked head inside the door, "oh hey Ginny."

"Need something Tonks?" Ron asked as he waited for her to respond.

Ginny rolled her eyes, "excuse my brother for his rudeness. Ron maybe she just wanted to say hi."

"I wasn't rude! I said it politely!" He retorted.

"Err - actually I do need something, I need Hermione and Ron to come with me for a moment." Tonks said seriously which was something that none of them had ever seen before.

They stepped out into the hallway and began following Tonks, "what's wrong Tonks?"

She looked over her shoulder, "I assume Dumbledore already told you about Amber, right?"

"A few things, but he didn't go into depth about it." Ron said.

They stopped in front of the door to Amber's room and Tonk's said, "she's finally conscious. I have been in a state whether she's going to get better or not, it seems that she is doing a lot better, however Madame Pomphrey says if she wants to regain full use of her leg then she must exercise. This will be the first time that I've seen her conscious since I brought her here and she's going to be asking me many, many questions as to why - where and what she's doing here. I wanted the two of you to help me out on some of that. I feel you two know the situation around here better than anyone else, noticing that you've still got a couple pairs of extendable ears on you," she nudged Ron with her elbow and gave a short laugh. "There are something's that you should know, incase she gets angry. Don't get me wrong, she rarely does, however I know that when she is bedridden for an extended period of time - you could say she gets a little crabby, although she covers it well. Now Dumbledore told you about her powers right? Good. Don't be alarmed if anything blows up, flies across the room or if you see two of her. Ok - ready?"

"Wait - two of her?" Hermione asked.

"Yeah, she can Astral Project. I'm sure you know what that is Hermione, but if you don't just ask Amber."

"It's the ability to send consciousness out at will, you'll appear in a physical form of yourself and are able to decide whether to be solid or not. It's like a hologram. However when leaving the original body, that person has the risk of it being attacked easily."

"Alright, good." Tonks smiled at her intelligence and knocked on the door poking her head inside. "Amber, it's Dora."

"Dora?" said a raspy voice.

When the three entered the room, Amber was sitting up in bed, leaning against the headboard and looking completely confused. "Hey Amber," Tonks rushed over to her friends' side, embracing her like a sister.

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