30: Powers, Sundae's and Worries

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“It’s ok, just try again. Don’t think too hard or you’ll give yourself a migraine.” She tried not to giggle at the look of hard and almost painful concentration on his face.

“But it’s… I don’t understand why it’s not working now!” Harry said exasperatedly, throwing up his hands in dissatisfaction.

Amber pursed her lips as she tried to think of a way to help him. Walking over to him, she placed her hands on his shoulders, and started to shove him back and forth. “Try loosening up a bit. You’re too tense for Merlin’s sake… see…your neck barely moves.”

“Let me see you do it again, maybe—maybe I missed something.”

“Harry,” Amber said staring at the vase that he was attempting to move across the room. “There isn’t much visual when you look to me for an example. There is no pronunciation, no wand waving, or anything of that sort. It is all in your mind. Relax yourself, close your eyes, and visualize the vase. Visualize it hovering in the air, obeying your every command and hand movement you make. Make it obey your every command.”

Harry closed his eyes, took a deep breath, and calmed himself. Amber watched as his hands rose into the air and swept drastically to the side.

They have been practicing in the Room of Requirement for the past two and half…well at least Amber was practicing and trying to help Harry summon his capabilities on command. Amber discovered his competence in telekinesis as she watched him in one of his Potions classes. Harry stared blankly at a jar of snakes eyes on Severus’ desk when it began to hover over the floor and when the Potions Master startled Harry’s eye contact with the jar, it shattered on the floor.

It was the middle of April, only about a month until the baby was due and Amber’s stomach was very large. She complained about not being able to tie her shoes, scratch her feet or even being able to see her feet. However, as Remus offered to wait on her, she found that she started to like this helpless – ‘I’m pregnant – could you help me’ excuse. She continued to stay on the potion that the healer prescribed. Severus concocted it without so much as a please and would bring it to her, rather than making her waddle her way down to the dungeons. Whenever Amber suggested to get it herself, Severus would growl at her and insist that he do it, fearing that she would fall if she walked unattended down the many staircases to his chambers.

Realizing that the moment was coming, Amber, and Remus started to prepare for the baby by buying cradles, clothes, blankets, and many other accessories that they thought they would need. Not knowing if their baby would be a girl or boy, they decided on two names only. If it was a girl, her name would be Emmaline and if it was a boy, his name would be Alexander.

“Could you just do it again? It might help me, please?”

Snapping out of her thoughts, “alright Harry. However after a few more tries, it is time for dinner. You’ve got a pregnant woman with incredible craving.” She grinned.

“OH! I am sorry Amber, I didn’t mean to be so selfish. We’ll go now, I’m sorry.” Harry said apologetically.

“Don’t apologize Harry, but no. We’re not going now, we’ll go after you give it a couple more goes, then we’ll treat ourselves to a big dinner.” Her smile turned into a grin, “Remus promised that he would ask the House Elves to make something special for me. Something to satisfy my… urges. Now come on Harry.” She clapped her hands, “chop, chop, I haven’t got all day. I want to see that vase shatter against that wall!”

Determined to succeed, Harry took a deep breath and mumbled, “imagine it. Make it obey, command it.” With his emerald eyes glued to the vase, he lifted both hands in unison and ever so shakily, the vase began to shift and float. Amber grasped her fists over her chest and bit her bottom lip from letting an elated squeal release from her lips. Nevertheless, the silence continued and Amber found that Harry was losing. Sweat broke out over his brow and his lips were pressed to a thin line. Quickly deciding to treat him as if he was participating in a game of Quidditch, she growled, “go Harry.” It wasn‘t something to frighten him, to get him to lose concentration, but to motivate him even more. “Come on Harry. Don’t let it win! You know you can do it. It wants you to give up. I know you can do it!”

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