8: Passionate Feelings Are Revealed

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After having a simple chat with Snape, she got changed into something more comfortable and made her way down the stairs putting most of her weight on her cane. Feeling as if she had just woken up, she yawned deeply, pulled her hair out of her ponytail and headed to the small library Remus told her about.

She ran her finger over the spines of the books, looking carefully at each title, seeing if one would catch her eye. How to Have Fun with Muggles, 101 Ways to Torture A Wavering Member. Then she remembered an old saying, don't judge a book by it's cover, but I'm not really looking at the cover, only the title. Ah cliches. All they have to do with is torturing someone! Didn't one person have any decency in their family? Sirius did.

Amber had gone through almost half of one row that curved around the entire room. She sighed, nothing was interesting enough to make her read. She leaned her head back, closed her eyes and ran her hands through her messed ringlets as she grunted furiously that she couldn't find a book. Something to take her mind off everything that was plaguing it at the moment. Harry was looking horrid, his face was pale and gaunt, she remembered the dark circles under his eyes indicating his lack of sleep and how withdrawn he was. Tears pricked the back of her eyes, smacking her hands on her face, she squeezed her cheeks together and let out a disgruntled breath.

He watched her as she ran her finger over the spines of the books, and by noticing her facial expression, he guessed that none of them appealed to her. However he wasn't surprised, after all he knew what kinds of books the Black Family Library contained. Thousands of pages wasted on vile topics, the average - everyday DeathEater collection.

His thoughts wondered, his mind filling with wants and desires. He yearned for her touch. Knowing that one stroke from her would make everything go away, all displeasing recollections of the past, the pain each transformation caused and he suddenly flinched. She doesn't know. The thought weighed his heart, she would never accept it. She deserves someone in her own youth, someone to share her life with instead of some worn out werewolf. Someone - someone normal. Ah but how she fascinates me...

Scratching her head, she sensed someone else in the room, not just physically, but mentally. She straightened abruptly at the resonance of the persons thoughts entering her mind. Normally she would search for introspection, however in this case the persons thoughts were so strong that they wandered and she received them. She clutched onto the bookcase, feeling a wave of warmth rush through her body and a gasp lodge in her throat. Setting a hand on her chest, she felt as if her feet had been swept out from under her and a tingle coursed through her body. These thoughts that this person was having - were deep and heartfelt, and yet she sensed tinge of distress. This - this person - no man was selling himself short, she noted as her eyes fluttered underneath her closed lids. Oh good Merlin, she never felt anything like this before, at least nothing as powerful as this. When the feeling subsided she panted for air, a spot of sweat brimming her brow. Putting her hand to her face, feeling how flushed she was on the outside, for she already knew what it was like on the inside. Her blood was boiling with passion, her heart palpitating as fast as it could go and her chest fiery and heavy. Oh Merlin I need to find this person. Then her intellect caught up with her, those thoughts, she felt their familiarity. "Remus." She breathed. Alright but don't go finding him and start wildly snogging him, you might scare him. It might not even be him. This was going to be hard.

"Err - Amber?" Someone called from the doorway. She jumped and quickly turned to find Ron poking his head in from the hallway.

"Yes?" Her voice cracked at the simple word.

"Mum has dinner on the table," he raised an eyebrow at her reddened profile and hazy eyes.

She didn't trust herself to speak so she just nodded in understanding and he walked away with a confused look.

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