7: Interrogating the Twins

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He waited intently, his hands shaking and mind empty. "I am Harry's cousin," she revealed.

"B - but who?" He tried to say but she held her hand up to stop him.

"Please, it'll only be easier for me to tell you without interruption."

He nodded apologetically.

"Daisy Evans - is my mother."

"Daisy? Young Daisy? Lily's sister? She was a year under her, but sh - she died when she was seventeen, there's no way."

"Yes I know that-" She stopped as she began to hear Tonks, Ron and Hermione approach. "I'll tell you the rest when we get back to Grimmauld, it's too risky to talk about this here."

He sighed and nodded, understanding completely however he felt a little irritated that Dumbledore hadn't felt that he needed to know. He was Harry's godfather now, by which he felt a bit sadden at the thought, bringing unwelcoming memories flashing before his eyes.

Amber checked with them if they had everything that Harry needs and Tonks reassured her. She nodded and looked up to Remus to check what was next on the agenda of the day when she noticed his glazed over eyes and the agonizing look his face took over. Her heart cracked, what? Did I say something to make him like this? I don't think I did, or did it make him remember something? She brushed her fingertips against the warm skin of his arm and he was quickly brought out of his melancholy.

He looked down at her fingers, tenderly stroking his arm with the back of her perfect digits and pressed his hand on top of hers. He appreciated the silence that she gave him, feeling himself wanting to draw her nearer, however resisted for some reason, feeling as if she was there to only look at, but not touch. Although he was touching her, not only with her fingers, but with her compassion and incredible humanity.

All the while the two adults who were staring at each other as if no one else existed in the world, they were being watched resolutely by four others.

"Whoa," Tonks whispered to Hermione as she gaped flabbergasted at her best friend.

"This is..." Hermione found herself at a loss for words. "Just what you said - whoa."

"What are you guys talking about?" Harry asked them. "Aren't they always like this? The first look I got at the two, I thought they were - you know - together?"

Hermione, Ron and Tonks gave him a knowing look and Tonks said, "sorry Harry. They're not together. I know it's completely obvious that even a blind man could tell you that they like or are very - very interested in each other, but for some odd reason they're not going beyond staring senselessly at one another. Or maybe there's no reason at all. After all, Amber was always shy when it came to men."

Ron snorted, "it's not like she would have a problem, her looks alone are... out of this world."

Hermione and Tonks gave him a deadly look and in unison they said, "and ours aren't?"

Ron gulped as the two women glared at him and Harry chuckled, "Ron, when you think of something to say, consult in me before you let it slip, because one day you'll find yourself lying on the ground after some woman hit you."

"Why doesn't he just bloody kiss her and get it over with," Harry said turning back to his werewolf friend.

"Well, I happen to think it's very romantic," Hermione said, dazed.

"I'm getting hungry, if he's not going to do anything to her then... HEY REMUS WHY DON'T YOU JUST SNOG HER AND GET IT OVER WITH!" Ron hollered out and was suddenly attached by open hands, repeatedly smacking him from all directions.

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