21: Dancing and Silly Apologies

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It was a rainy day in the middle of October when it was only a few days away from the full moon and they were in DADA third year class. Amber was sitting in the shadows in the back of the DADA classroom, leaning forward as the students worked with Boggarts. She enjoyed the enthusiasm Remus showed despite his current condition and laughed with the rest of them. She pulled her robes around her tighter, feeling a chill run up her spine and she looked to the window for the source. She watched the kids shout “ridikulus” at the various forms of fears that each of them had, however she was relieved to know that none of them had any real horrors besides the usual spiders and snakes. There was a war on the brink and these children had yet to experience and it made her cringe.

She reached up and pulled the window shut, making it sure that it was sealed and when she looked out over the grounds, her vision grew blurry. She held onto the ledge for support and shook her head. “Feeling alright?” She looked at the reflection in the window and turned to Remus. “You look a little pale.” He grasped onto her arm, to steady her.

“Oh, me? I’m fine.” She said waving him off. “Just a dizzy spell.”

He gave her a look, not believing her at all.

“How are you feeling?” She put her hand to his forehead and kissed the tip of his nose.

“Amber, not in front of my students,” he whispered as she placed small kisses over his face. He groaned softly when she ran her hand up and down his body. “You know how I am around the full moon, don’t start something you’re not about to finish.” He said in a low growl. He gazed into her eyes that sparked with desire.

“You know I love it when you growl,” she purred in his ear. “Hmm…you’re eyes are starting to glow.”

“Amber,” he tried to warn, his breathing suddenly increasing with his heartbeat. “Please.”

The bell rang.

“Err—everyone pack up and your homework,” his voice cracked and muffled giggles erupted from the students.

Amber smiled at him and winked. He cleared his throat, “no homework.”

“Awe, how nice,” Amber cooed.

When the last student left the room, Remus waved his wand and the door slammed shut. He held onto her arms, grazing his thumbs over her skin gently and his eyes blazed tenderly.

She looked straight into his eyes, “Remus,” she said sincerely. “I understand that you try to keep control around this time and you are always so exhausted—”

He caressed her cheek, “what did I ever do to deserve you?”

“Remus,” she shook her head and he placed both of his palms on her face.

“I’m serious,” he stated powerfully. “Everytime I look into your eyes it’s something I have never seen before. It’s overwhelming…the feeling I get…” His eyebrows furrowed in deep thought. “It’s indescribable—”

“Remus you don’t have to—”

“No,” he turned around and started pacing the room. “I have to—I want to.”

She etched her eyebrows, beginning to feel concerned for him and she didn’t know what to do, so she stood there.

“My breath catches in my throat whenever I see you, my smile never falters when you’re around, it’s…just something…I have never felt before,” and he stopped to look at her.

His eyes were blazing at her and she held a confused look on her face however something in her mind triggered. He was confessing himself to her. She sighed in relief and her shoulders shrugged forward. Her hands brushed over her face to remove the hair and found him standing in front of her. She relaxed a hand on his upper arm, her other on the base of his neck and pulled him close as she rested her cheek on his chest. He began to rock them back and forth, swaying from side to side in a limber waltz as he enveloped her in his arms and she melted into him.

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