5: Curiosity

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It was a couple days later and Amber was getting better at a fast rate. She went on short walks with Dumbledore, Tonks, Remus, Mrs. Weasley and Hermione and Ron. At first she could only walk around the house, feeling the strain in her leg and would soon have to stop, however each day she could go further and further. Most of the time she had help from Tonks, they caught up on things, talking about their families and things that happened since then. Amber had never known her real parents, for she only knew who her birth mother was and couldn't seem to find anything about her birth father. When she was barely a few days old, she was sent to a Muggle family to live with, Benjamin and Emma Wade who could never have children of their own and were still alive to this day.

Remus would escort her on her outings when Tonks had to work for the Ministry and Order. He wasn't forced to, for Amber told him that he needn't to countless times, however he would be stubborn about it and tell her that he wanted to. Deep down though, she wanted him to come with her, she felt a kind of easiness when around him, except sometimes she found herself staring dreamily at him or fumbling and causing chaos. He would sit back and laugh at her blunders, but never to the point that would make her feel incompetent or inferior. He would only laugh if she did, he was very considerate around her and she liked that. Although she had no idea that he was feeling the same around her, because he hid it extremely well, except whenever Ron or Hermione were there, they could see right through him. Luckily Amber could not, and he was thankful for that.

Snape wasn't around much, normally sat in the room and sneered at everyone, looking as if he was making his own jokes about each one of them and laughing to himself. However when ever Amber was around he was unusually concerned if she tripped or she showed signs of fatigue. He would offer to help her if she needed it and she found it a little odd, but didn't think on it except that probably, he realized she wasn't an immature student anymore. Oh how little did she know...

She was getting along great with the rest of the group at Grimmauld and found it funny how Ron and Hermione would argue about any little thing. She found Fred and George unique, by the way they always spoke as if they were one person and sadly she had to endure the attacking apple before anyone had the chance to warn her. They showed her their many new tricks that they came up with and when she was about to test a Blasting Green Bean, when Remus pulled her off to the side and told her how those gave him irritable bowel movements for days.


"Ha, you sound like Moody," Tonks said as she helped Amber down the stairs.

"Maybe I won't need it for much longer, it's feeling somewhat better. Not as much pain." She gritted her teeth.

"I highly doubt that," said a voice at the bottom of the stairs. "Just by looking at your expression its telling me a whole other story." Remus stood at the base of the staircase with Ron and Hermione beside him. Without a wizard robes, Remus looked completely like a...Muggle, a regular Muggle T-shirt and blue jeans. Tight blue jeans, she thought.

"What is this? My greeting team - or do I need someone to carry me and if I might add - I wouldn't mind."

"No, we just wanted to join you guys on your walk today." Hermione said as she pulled out a baseball hat from behind her back and put it on.

"We haven't decided on where we're going yet," Tonks informed them.

"We have an idea," Hermione smiled brightly and bounced on the balls of her feet. Amber raised an eyebrow as she watched her, Ron and Remus grin widely.

"However I would advise the two of you to not wear your Wizard's robes." Remus told them, pulling at his Muggle T-shirt. "Dress Muggle."

"Alright, I'll have to go up and change then," Amber frowned. "Is it hot out?"

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