20: Sealed With a Kiss

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“Amber—” A distant voice called to her.

She continued to lay on the couch motionless, feeling a painful stinging in the back of her eyes and the heaviness to her eyelids as she tried to open them. “Amber—” Came the voice again, becoming clearer. “Amber…wake up!” A feminine voice, she noted. Amber groaned, recognizing Tonks’ voice.

“Bugger off,” Amber mumbled into the pillow.

Tonks’ laughed, “she’s awake alright. It seems that she won’t be getting up though.”

“Well, we’ll just have to get her up – like I did yesterday.” Came Harry’s voice.

Letting the words register in her head, her senses became alive as she rolled off the couch and landed on the floor, out of the way of a flying Harry who pounced on the couch. “Ouch.” Amber muttered with her nose pressed against the carpeted floor.

“Come on Amber, you’ve got to escort them to Kings Cross with Remus, Moody, Kingsley and myself. I know you’re going to get a shower so…HURRY IT UP!” Tonks shouted and Amber startled.

“Bloody hell…” Amber groaned as she pushed herself off the floor and opened her eyes. Tonks hair was in short, bright blonde locks and her eyes were a sky-blue. “When did you ever feel like being normal?” Amber commented as she rubbed her head full of tangled hair.

“Hmm…well just wanted a bit of a change. Don’t really notice what I change into, just close my eyes and see what I come up with.”

“Ok, well I’m going to get ready, go ahead back to Grimmauld with everyone else. I’ll be there as quick as I can.”

After Amber had gotten cleaned up, she slipped into a pair of jean shorts, a white tank top and white robes. She ran down the stairs, trying to tie her tennis shoes and brush her hair at the same time, however it wasn’t working well. When she finished getting ready, she flooed over to Grimmauld and found Kingsley, Mad-Eye, Tonks, Harry, Ron, Hermione, Ginny, Mrs. Weasley and Remus in the kitchen.

“Sorry if I took too long, it’s kind of hard tying your shoes and brushing your hair while running down stairs.” She laughed as Mrs. Weasley embraced her with a bear hug. “Ugh, Mrs. Weasley, this is lovely but I can’t breath.”

“Mum, you’re suffocating her and if she passes out we’ll be late for the train.” Ron complained.

“How are you feeling dear?” Mrs. Weasley whispered, releasing her.

“I’m fine. I know it doesn’t come with the job description but I should have been ready. But Lucius Malfoy is in for a crude awakening.” She grinned evilly.

“That’s the spirit Wade!” Moody said holding up the end of his cane.

“But don’t go looking for trouble,” Harry added and glanced at Hermione.

“So are we ready?” Remus asked.

“Er—one second, can I talk to you for a second…Remus?”

“Sure, let’s go into the study,” he led the way out of the room and opened the wooden, sliding door for her and closed it. “So, what’s on your mind?”

She smiled shyly as she made her way over to the window, “I just wanted to thank you, for what you did for me.” She turned to him and found him standing very close to her. She gulped, “you know. At Flourish and Blotts?”

He nodded with a playful glint in his eyes, “yes I remember clearly.”

“Ok,” she looked down to the floor and pivoted her foot into the carpet. “Well, we should get going, or we’ll be late.” Her voice sounded distant to her as she began to walk away when Remus grabbed her arm.

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