14: Induction Into The Order of The Phoenix

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At the meeting with the members of the Order of the Phoenix, there was standing room only left in the kitchen area. Dumbledore, Mr. and Mrs. Weasley, Fred, George, Charlie, Bill, Amber, Remus and Tonks were seated around the old, unpolished wooden table. As they waited, Tonks and Amber were discussing something about Bill and Charlie and quite frankly, Remus was starting to grow a tad jealous. Every time Amber giggled as she looked at Charlie and Bill, made something in him begin to growl and it started to come more frequent. Then he reminded himself of the reason as a pain started to build inside his stomach and grow. Although the pain throbbed gradually, he was used to dealing with that every time the full moon rolled around. Remus calmed, the jealousy being pushed away and replaced with his lighthearted understanding, after all they must have been friends back at Hogwarts.

“Remember that time in Charms!” Charlie said in a fit of laughter as Tonks, Amber and Bill nodded. “Tonks couldn’t even get the quill to levitate and meanwhile she didn’t notice she had her wand pointed at Flitwick!”

Bill continued, “he was floating, his voice squeaking the whole time!”

Tonks glared, “I didn’t realize what I was doing, it was only our first year so don’t rub it in!”

“Although it has been how many years?” Bill said with a grin on his lips.

Tonks turned to Amber, “Amber? Do you have any of those daggers that you take when you are on duty? I think I might need it.” Her pink hair bounced when she glared in his direction.

“Erm, yeah I do.” Amber’s hand disappeared when it dipped behind her, between her back and the chair. When it came back into view a sleek, silver blade appeared in her hand.

On reflex, when Remus saw a silver dagger he launched himself out of the chair and banged into a few others of the Order. “Am – Amber what are you doing with – with – th – that!” He said pointing at the weapon.

Amber was in a state of panic, at first she thought they were being attacked and then the next second, the one she loved was fleeing from her. LOVE! I did not just think that – did I? I’m still not up to speed with this relationship – I’ll have to talk with Tonks. She thought to herself. She tried to find what Remus was scared of, until his precarious hands pointed at her. A wave of relief passed over her face as she let out a breath that she didn’t know that she had been holding. She put her free hand to her forehead, taking a deep breath, “Remus, no. You’ve got it all wrong, please come back.” She said softly.

“N – no. It’s silver.” He stated plainly. Amber threw the dagger down at the table and the point dug into the wood, standing in air.

“It’s steel, stainless steel as a matter of fact. It’s not silver,” she smiled, her face red. “I thought we were being attacked!” She laughed openly, pushing away the fear that crept upon her. Remus’ face relaxed, his eyes calmer and sighed as he sat back down at the table. Amber leaned over and placed an extensive kiss on his cheek. Her mouth found it’s way up to his ear, she whispered, “how could you suspect that I would be that stupid?”

He shivered slightly, feeling her hot breath against his skin and turned his head to meet her eyes, “I apologize, but seeing that just brought back horrid memories.”

Both of their eyes reflected what seemed as if they were the only two in the room and it was a breathless sight, seeing two people who loved each other so much. She nodded, her eyes sparkling, “I understand. I just want you to know that I would never do anything to bring any harm to you whatsoever.”

He smiled, making her heart melt, “I know.” With that he kissed her and the feeling it created made her cheeks flush and her heart flutter. When he broke the kiss, they tuned back into reality, the room was silent and Amber could feel eyes penetrating her skin, especially one pair of eyes in particular.

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