26: Now and Forever

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“I could just kick you where it hurts for doing that to me!” Amber yelled as she walked ahead of Remus. They had just finished having tea with Tonks, for some reason David wasn’t feeling well and had gone back to the infirmary.

“It wasn’t my fault that you began to speak incoherently,” he boasted, grinning wantonly.

She turned and pointed her finger in his face, “I won’t react any longer when you’ve lost all feeling when I decapitate your southern region!”

He stopped in his tracks, “you really can’t be that upset. Amber what has been going on with you lately?”

She stopped and turned around, “Dora was laughing her ass off at me!”

“No she wasn’t.”

“I could see it in her eyes, they were dancing around in their sockets and her sarcasm! Good Merlin! Remus you can’t be that naïve.”

“I am not talking about what went on in my office, I’m talking about the past two weeks! Your mood would change from one extreme to the other! At one moment you’re fiery and libidinous and then the next second when I blink my eyes you are as waspish as a Blast Ended Skrewt! What is going on!” His voice was low, like Amber had imagined it in her dreams and she winced.

Taking a ragged breath, she turned and walked briskly down the hallway without turning back at the sound of his concerned voice. Taking out her handkerchief, she dabbed her eyes and cursed her emotions for defying her. “Amber.” A voice called in front of her.

Glancing up, she saw her father step out of the shadows and she growled, “I don’t need your sarcasm and ridicule. I already have enough to deal with.” She ducked her head to hide her face as she started to pass him but his arms wrapped around her, pinning her arms to her sides.

“I want to talk, but not out here.”

Reflex made her snap her head back and make contact with his nose. She heard him let out an agonizing groan, however nothing that told her his nose was broken. She didn’t apologize because she still held a grudge from what he said to her in the Great Hall last week. Letting him guide her into his office and snap the door shut, he let her go and he quickly took his self-reassuring spot behind his desk.

“I don’t feel like talking all that much, please be brief.” She stated emotionlessly. Her feelings were whizzing about in her and she didn’t know whether to breakdown and cry or lash out raging. When she saw him scuttle about his desk, his long pale fingers flipping through parchment, she realized that he was nervous. She made him nervous, no one made him nervous enough to show it.

“I am not nervous, I am simply trying to gather my thoughts.” He exclaimed, still rifling through papers.

She sat down in the straight-backed chair that was closer and tapped her fingers against her bottom lip. Suddenly she felt the chair change from hard and wooden to velvet and cushioned.

“It will be much easier on your back,” he said bluntly.

Why is he caring? She thought.

“I have finally come to my senses and accept the fact that you are with child. If it makes you feel any better, I’d rather have Lupin as the father than that damned twit Muggle friend of yours.”

“I don’t care what your opinion is.” Her voice sounded different as if she was trying to convince herself more than him.

“Both you and I know that isn’t true. Ever since Hogwarts, you were always seeking my approval.”

“That was the only way to pass your class,” she stated gruffly.

“No, you needed specific regard of my opinion.” He said, finally looking up at her.

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