38: Epilogue

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Two years later…

“So you’re saying that not only are there werewolves out there, but there are others like them? What’s the difference?” Colon Creevey asked quietly.

Folding his arms over his chest, Remus resumed pacing the length of floor between the columns of tables.

“As all of you know and understand, werewolves are cursed with suffering the transformation during the phase of the full moon. See, this other species are blessed with the option of transforming at any time and it is painless but like the werewolf, they can only change into one specific animal. They cannot change into different animals, only the one they are born with and in the cover of darkness.”

A hand shot into the air, Remus nodded toward Ginny Weasley.

“Under the cover of darkness—do you mean only at night or can they change in shadows?”

Moving toward his desk at the head of the room, he faced the class and leaned against it with his right foot crossed over his left.

“Again, unlike the werewolf, daylight is deadly to this species.”

The soft sound of giggles and murmurs flowed through the room.

Remus shook his head at the students who found this certain fact humorous. “No. They will not combust or disintegrate as they make contact. In truth, they will burn slowly. Second to third degree blisters bubble on the skin and fur is singed. Then, the sun begins to burn like acid, eating through the layers of skin. Then onto the muscles, ligaments, tendons and continuing through the bone. Until there is nothing left but an ash.”

Now he looked at their faces; some showing pain—as if imagining what if would feel like—and others sympathy. However there is no way they would know what kind of pain a were could go through if they dared to go out during the day.

However, they are old enough to understand what kind of tragedy it is. After all, they were around for the war that happened two years ago. Ever since the day Amber was rescued and David O’Brien died it began and up until three months ago, the war finally ended. It was a thrilling victory.

Severus helped during the battle between The-Boy-Who-Lived and Lord Voldemort. Some still don’t know whether Severus helped Harry or Voldemort, but Remus knew for sure.

It wasn’t hard to figure out.

Voldemort believed Severus was faithful up until he strode in, wand in hand with the young wizard in toe. Angry that one of his Inner Circle had been able to deceive him, most of Voldemorts rage was directed at Severus.

The Phoenix Spy had been able to keep his ground while blocking the Dark Lord’s black magic until a Cruciatus had slipped his wards and knocked him on the ground.

Voldemort dropped his wand arm and laughed, giving Harry the time to pick up Severus’ wand and use it on the Dark Lord.

Shaking himself, Remus continued.

“Lycanthropy is a disease spread by werewolf saliva entering the blood stream, susceptible to any open wound. However other weres cannot give humans their abilities by biting them. By mating, they are able to make more of their kind. These weres are born with it, but depending whether the mother is half were, full or human, most cannot tell until puberty.”

“What are they called?”

“Just the prefix ‘were’ and the type of animal is the suffix. So a leopard would be?”


Remus nodded. “Correct. Then they are categorized by—”

He winced, forgetting his train of thought. “Pardon me.” Shaking his head, he remembered the lesson. “By what ty—”

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