23: The Infuriated Potions Master

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“Madame Pomphrey!” Hagrid called, once entering the hospital.

“For Merlin sakes Hagrid, call me Poppy.” The matron said as she left her office, her eyes scanning the clipboard in hand.

“I don’ know what ‘appened! She jus’ keeled o’er!”

Madame Pomphrey looked up and gasped, “put her on a bed Hagrid.”

The nauseated feeling greeted her once she woke. She felt hot and her clothes were sticking to her skin as she moved her arms and breathed deep. Abruptly, the need of the bathroom rang in her throat, she opened her eyes and quickly sat up to be only pushed back down again. She attempted once more but she was gently pushed back down, “let me up!”

“You are not well. It would be wise to stay in your bed.” Snape said from beside her. Amber pushed up once more and pressed against his hand. “Amber…”

“If you really want to know what I ate for breakfast, then all you have to do is hold me here.”

He raised an eyebrow and quickly pulled his hand back to his body. Amber leapt from the infirmary bed, sprinted to the toilet and lifted the lid. Snape closed his eyes at the sound as she retched continuously into the toilet and finally appeared at the door. Snape walked to her and helped her back onto the bed, where she lent against the pillows. “You’re burning up.”

“I think it’s from all these clothes,” she said as she started to shed her cloak, robes, scarf, gloves, earmuffs, boots and sweater. Snape took the clothes and placed them on the bedside table. She blinked her eyelids a few times and mumbled something.

“What?” Snape asked, not hearing her.

She sprinted back to the toilet and returned a few moments later. Lying on the bed, she sighed and suddenly felt fatigue rest in her limbs. She rubbed her eyes with a hand and yawned, “I feel so tired.”

“Poppy thought it best to give you sleeping potion, it was ministered while you were resting.” He told her, however she was already breathing evenly and sleeping peacefully. Snape glanced around the room to check if anyone but him and Amber occupied the room and leant over to the bed. He brushed the hair form her face and kissed her cheek.

Although Snape might have thought his display of fatherly affection had gone unnoticed, he was wrong. A smiling old man stood outside the door, watching the scene between the Potions master and young woman take place. Turing on heel, he strolled down the hall with the old twinkle in his calm blue eyes.

The ending weeks of November passed by rather slowly for Amber. The potion Madame Pomphrey told her to take everyday only made the symptoms of the Wizards Flu hinder slightly, but didn’t cure it completely. She rested in Remus’ chambers by the order of Madame Pomphrey and finally after much begging, she let Amber roam the school, but not the grounds.

Entering the DADA classroom, Remus and Amber made their way to his desk where he began looking through the many stacks of papers. “I remember Hermione telling me how organized you are? What happened?” Amber asked with her backside leaning against the desk and looking over the students in the room for detention.

Remus grinned at her back and whispered, “you happened. Blew in like a tornado, taking everything with you, including my heart.” He watched as her body shook with silent laughter and turned to face him with her hands planted on his desk.

“Remus that was the corniest line I’ve ever heard.”

“Maybe, but it’s true. When you came, boy did everything turn into a whirlwind.” His eyes followed her as she slowly made her way towards him and brushed against him before sitting in his desk chair.

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