33: On Display for All Deatheaters to See

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“Thank you Plunky,” Amber murmured as she took the tray off the small stool by the door. Plunky was a small House Elf that had been giving her meals three times a day; she had large blue eyes, big floppy ears, and was slightly smaller than the average elf.

“Your welcome Misses. Need anything else?”

“Could you somehow get me out of here before my baby is born?”

“Sorry Misses, young Master says you would say that to Plunky. Young Master says no and Plunky cannot disobey him, no, no, Plunky cannot.” Plunky shook her head.

“Had to try, at least. So what’s on the menu today?” Amber lifted the covering.

“Master said to give you plenty of food for Misses and her baby. There’s chicken, potatoes, carrots, bread and milk, Misses.”

“Thank you.”

“Can Plunky ask Misses a question?” The small House Elf squeaked and ducked her head.

“Sure, it’s the most socialization that I’ve had in, what? Four days?” She shrugged, observing the plate of food carefully.

“Is young Master the father of Misses baby?”

Nearly knocking her tray onto the floor, Amber looked at Plunky carefully and asked, “what?”

“Young Master, is the father of your baby?”

“Who’s young Master?”

“Plunky cannot answer that.”

“Then I cannot answer your question.” Amber said, going back to sniffing and observing her food. After all, Moody would be quite angry if he found out that she ate food without checking it first (especially someone who captured her). Constant vigilance!

“Who’s baby’s father?”

“If I told you, you would probably run off screaming.”

“Why would Plunky do that?”

“Because of what he is, although I do not see the problem with it. It’s only a day out of each month.”

Plunky looked thoughtful for a moment… or she was in serious pain. “Misses, father of baby is a Werewolf!”

Amber sighed, “were you asking or stating what I already knew.”

“Werewolves are fierce creatures!”

“So are Wizards and Witches and you don’t seem scared of me!”


“Remus is only a Werewolf one day out of every month! The rest of the time he’s either fired for being a Werewolf or people are giving him horrible glances. He is the most loving and nicest person I know! But what the Hell am I doing? Fighting with some House Elf!” Amber said throwing a knife across the room.

Plunky, eyes wide, ran away from Amber and through the small secret entrance in the stone wall.

After Plunky scurried out of sight, disappearing through the secret passage, Amber held the tray on her knees. Everything was mess up. She was pregnant, not married, locked in a cage by Voldemort and he was plan to use the baby’s and her blood for a potion to kill her cousin. The due date was approaching quickly and Amber wished that Remus would be able to see the birth. It would mean the world to him, but she had no way of reaching him.

“Think of something,” she whispered harshly, setting the tray aside. Running her hands through her matted hair, the thought with her tired mind and felt nothing useful. “I do not want anyone bothering me. Go away,” she said to the floor.

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