Part 1: The Dream

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Flames engulfed the world around me. I heard a voice call from afar.

    "No! She can't do this by herself! She doesn't have any powers!" the voice cried. I could barely see where the voice was coming from, but it seemed to be a man lying on the burning ground in the distance. "This is too horrible!" he said. He was bruised, and bloody. "This can't happen again!" he said. He was far away, but something about him seemed hauntingly familiar. Behind me, I heard another voice, this time a woman's.

    "Nora Evans." she said my name. I turned to see a woman about my age who wore a big white gown. Her hair was long and white and matched her dress. Her eyes were red like rubies. She was strange looking, but incredibly beautiful. "You want to be like everyone else, don't you? Do you want a power of your own?" she asked. I stared at her.

    "You can really do that?" I asked. She smiled.

    "Your whole life, you've felt left out, like a piece of you was missing. Something hadn't developed within you when it had in everyone else. I can give you that missing piece. I can make you complete." she said. The world around me continued to burn.

    "So, you can give me a power just like everyone else?" I asked. The man in the distance stood up. He yelled something at me but I couldn't understand him.

    "Yes, of course I can, but not for free. The only way I can fix you is if you form a contract with me. I will give you a power in exchange for something of yours." the girl in white said smiling cheerfully. Before I could ask her what she wanted from me, the dream faded away and darkness clouded my vision.

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